Discussion for article #230251
It’s all or nothing when it comes to religious representation…suck it up you Christianists- either get use to not being allowed to force your religion on others or get use to others doing the same thing as you.
Transcript from the Teatroll hivemind:
“Muahahahaha…let’s pass a law allowing religious stuff in the schools so we can manufacture all the converts we could possibly want by doing things like passing out Bibles to the childrenz…oh wait…what’s this? We had to write the law not to favor any religion in an attempt to give ourselves a superficial argument that it’s constitutional and now it’s opened the door to other religions trying to indoctrinate new believers too? Abort mission! ABORT!!! Back to the drawing board…we gotta figure out a way to eliminate all the competition first…”
“We would never seek to establish a precedent of disseminating our religious materials in public schools because we believe our constitutional values are better served by respecting a strong separation of Church and State”
Forever proof that Satan worshippers are better Americans than the right wing religio-fascist Christian Teatroll nutjobs. Put that in your frocks and suck it.
The leader of the Satanist group has to be the biggest troll of all time. It is funnier than hell!!
“It strongly implies they never intended to have a plurality of voices”
I know…I bow before his infernal abilities.
Wonder what John Roberts and the Opus Dei Gang are thinking right now?
It’s about time there was some pushback against the arrogance of some/most Christians.
I guess they’re fighting hellfire with hellfire.
Now let’s try it with open carry laws. Pay for concealed carry permits and guns for every minority. Start with the New Black Panther Party.
I never thought I’d see the day when Satanists were the staunchest defenders of the Constitution. They’re doing the Lord’s work, or something like that…
Praise Cheeses!
In the minds of many Tea Baggers, anything that does not teach that Jesus was white, blonde haired, blue eyed and spoke English is Satanic.
Hear, hear - strange place America has become when the voice of reason comes from someone who worships the imaginary opposite of the christian cult’s imaginary imagery, and is succinct and spot on in his argument.
Molly Ivins once wrote about a Texas legislator’s comment when the state lege was debating bilingual education: “If’n English was good enuf fer Jesus Christ, it’s good enuf fer the chirren of Texas.”
THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about.
I’ve always wondered if that was actually a quote or Molly’s snark. Anybody know?