Discussion for article #224844
She gets scarier and scarier day by day.
She looks more bitter by the minute.
The Whore of Babble On needs some attention and apparently she’s learned a new word…impeachment
From the video frame with this story I’d say Sarah’s dating AquaMan…
The Repubs and Tea Partiers are so bent on cannibalism of each other. Mental illness or a clever plot by Pres. Obama? Or some kind of incomprehensible evil “bwahaha” plan of the silly Koch, on coke, bros?
Palin/McDaniel in '16!!
We’ll lose, but we won’t EVER go away!!
I don’t know, she kind of looks like she’s beginning to wonder why some in the media insist on paying her any mind.
Palin/Nugent 2016 = Quitter/Shitter 2016
Wow, is she bitter for losing in 2008!
Make-up or all-weather indoor/outdoor stain?
Professional Quitter and Loser Sarah Palin Can’t Quit Losing
She had to put in that gunfight reference. Impeachment is not warranted but it is a legal proceeding and if started would go through the Judiciary committee (mostly lawyers with lawyer advisers) and if articles were approved by the whole house would result in a trial presided over by the Chief Justice of the United States, a lawyer. When you don’t have lawsuits, you have gun fights or worse but this seems to be beyond the range of Palin’s mental capabilities. Why she’s still on the news at all is largely due to the political polarization of the country including the forum where she appears.
Obviously all she cares about is herself. If she cared about anything else, she’d realize what a fiasco Clinton’s impeachment was and the damage it did to the GOP. The one least damaged by it was Clinton (and the Democrats).
How I wish we could run Obama for a third term – Republicans are so close to mass bridge jumping.
I see Marble-mouthed Sarah is still talking her perfunctory baby talk.
Man, does she has shit for brains…
Sarah is right! Boehner is a traitor! Impeach the Kenyan! Close the borders! Put me on The View! Argle-bargle! Whoosh! wink
Actually, I suspect she was probably paid to “write” the original piece. That is how the right wing echo chamber works. Get someone extreme like her to say or write something…then “interview” her to repeat and spread the noise even further.Now its been “covered” by two “independent” new organizations (Fox, and the newspaper), so it becomes a “legitimate” question to ask a Dem or a pundit. Should the President be impeached? Any response at all immediately makes the topic even more “legitimate” and other organizations have to follow it…voila!
I’d like to know if TPM could restrain itself from printing the shit that comes out of this woman’s mouth.
Shit would be an improvement.