Discussion for article #229429
Whore of Babble On says what?
pot. kettle. doofus.
More like douchebag. bidet.
She wants to be the next Newt Gingrich too.
In other words “Get your checkbooks out rubes I MAY run again if I get enough of your cash. Maybe. And Also.”
I May Run For Office Again
Sure, she can run, but she has no chance of actually winning anything. Of course the real reason she would run is to fill her personal coffers with campaign money.
“So, hey, the more they’re pouring on, the more I’m gonna bug the crap out of them by being out there with a voice, with a message, hopefully running for office in the future, too.”
Pure poetry.
News flash, you sagging old crone, you aren’t worth hating.
She seems to be confusing bemused disdain with hate.
Please proceed, ex-governor.
And the Media Whore pokes her vapid head out of her hole to spout more nonsense…
She will never serve in elected office in this country again. Period. Full stop.
You mean there is an opposing view of a white trash baby momma who started a fight while she was trashed? What would that view be?[quote=“CaptainCrunch, post:14, topic:12322, full:true”]
“They’re out there playing the politics of personal destruction,” Palin said. “They do want to destroy personally those whom they disagree with. They’re very, very intolerant of those who maybe hold opposing views.”
Translation: Donate to my PAC as I need it to support my family’s lavish lifestyle now that the speaking gigs are drying up.
Your opponents don’t have to destroy you. Your family is doing enough of that on her own.
She won’t do it. There’s not enough money in it.
Hse says she ‘may run’ to keep the rubes on the hook for donations and attention.
Damn you, John McCain!
Let’s see.
How many things ’ invinegarate ’ $ister$arah
- haters
- tooling around in a stretch hummer
- listening to the screech of her voice and Todd’s squeaking
- participating in brawls
- shooting wolves from a chopper
- Fox Bucks
- things that glitter
- making up stuff
- toxic Tea
- reading all the newspapers and magazines
- et cetera, et cetera, et cetera