Discussion: Sarah Palin Rains On GOP's Parade: 'You Didn't Build This!'

Discussion for article #229817

Palin’s right…they didn’t build it…it was built on Rock’n’Roll :stuck_out_tongue:


and this same common sense electorate will either be dead in 2016 or too busy to vote waiting for the staff to either wipe their chins or help with the Depends change.


Wow, until the last two paragraphs she sounded sane.


Thank you John McCain for fostering this quitter onto the electorate!


To hear that useless harpy talk about commonsense offends the fuck out of me.


No, you fool…it’s the CITY that was built on Rock’n’Roll! :smiley:

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Well, that elitist Rhodes Scholar Peter Beinart thinks otherwise, Sarah. Cliffs notes version, since you’re a busy person: The Republicans locked the crazy Tea Party people in the basement this cycle and tried to sound sane for once—willing to allow people to have birth control, and so forth.

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They didn’t lock all the nutjobs in the basement. The Idiots Out Wandering Around elected Joni Ernst, who’s about as far into wingnuttistry as it gets.


She’s as common as the dirt on her daughter’s knees herself, so there’s no other kind of sense she’s likely to talk about.


Just being a bit silly…I figure, better laugh than go out there and beat idiots until the gooey center spews out.

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All the while actually having an agenda that would strip us of the EPA, food inspection, our national parks, birth control, abortion, housing rights, minimum wage, etc.

Basically, they fooled people into believing that they were for them while they really are ready to strip us of everything we have.


CNN’s exit polls showed that voters were particularly angry at President Obama and GOP leadership.

Well, the voters certainly showed them who’s in charge last night, didn’t they?


Democrats really need to strip their messaging down to one point, and they need to beat it like a rented mule:

Our policies make your lives better.
Republican policies make your lives worse.

It’s that simple. They just need to repeat it until they’re hoarse.


Well, she IS wearing a leather jacket…so she must be some kind of rogue, outsider, political savant…I’m guessing…
Or maybe she just didn’t have time to change out of her “drunken brawl” limo gear…

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TPM: Yammerings from this fucking grifter are the LAST thing we need to read about this morning.


". “This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank
and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And
they expect results.”

White & 54 to 60 years old.

Why would anyone with an IQ over 40 care what she thinks about anything?

Democrats deserved to get mauled, today? And folks that have to work for a living, did they deserve to get mauled as well?

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The Republicans can either Brownbach it and implement policies they love to mouth, or, they can implement policies that work.

Unfortunately republicans policy doesn’t matter, only messaging does.

So we know which way they will go.

Congressional republicans or even Republican leaders in Congress are abstract concepts. They consist of many people.

The President is one person, and therefore a much easier target for people’s ire.

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