Discussion: Sarah Palin: Climate Change Is The New Eugenics

Who cares? Obviously part of the Astroturf Army here to spew bullshit in the interests of getting their pennies.

Just because the greatest source of climate change in Wasilla is Tahr-dd’s impeccably aged beer farts.

If by that you mean she was someone pretending to be something she wasn’t, then so is Sarah Palin. Gracie was a smart (and talented) person pretending to be stupid. Palin is a stupid person pretending to be smart. The main difference is that Gracie could pull it off and Sarah can’t.


Aw, Anti, pity the poor troll. Sitting around in his Dick Cheney Underoos all day, FAPping to his downloaded Palin pics until it’s time to deposit his disability check before complaining online about too much government free stuff.

It must truly be a shitty life. Second Amendment Remedies would be fully appropriate for such a sucky existence.


Loser & quitter = Palin


Common sense dictated that the Earth was flat, the Sun revolved around it and things that fell on it that were heavy fell faster than those things which were light.

Until those pesky scientists stuck their nose in.

The last paragraph is a beauty though. Is the “theory” that the seas are rising because of overweight edges now? That would lay the blame on all those Dems living in NYC and LA for sure.


Oh please, as if there isn’t daily discussion about how the Democratic party could be more effective.
It’s quite possible to comment on articles about other topics and then stop by the Sarah Palin thread to have a laugh. It’s pretty Republican of you to suggest that we can only comment on one topic.
Also, you’ve posted on this article 3 times, for whatever that’s worth.



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Another Paid Mouthpiece for the Oligarchs heard from (too often.)
Ignorance is Knowledge!
War is Peace!
Slavery is Freedom!

Shorter version: much of the internet is a sewer, so why shouldn’t TPM be part of that sewer system if that’s where the clickdollar$ are??

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Sarah Palin: Go. Away. Anywhere. Just. Go. Away.

Which is exactly what I am doing. [quote=“magical_panda, post:68, topic:12283”]
It’s pretty Republican of you to suggest that we can only comment on one topic.

It’s pretty dishonest of you to claim that I did any such thing. What I noted was how popular the Palin dreck is with the readership.

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Well damn. I thought the Weather Channel guy had said that the best way to combat global warming was to drunkenly punch it in the face six times; not that it wasn’t happening.

My bad,

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Well I think people should be allowed to have a guilty pleasure without being accused of being uninformed, complacent, unwilling to criticize dems, etc.

Look, I go for a nice jog twice a week, so I should be allowed to smoke a little crack a couple times a day.



Isn’t Madame Death Panels one of the people who was pushing the ‘eugenics hysteria’ of the last… decade? (Really? She thinks that was a different century?)

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One of my favorites…

I’m so impressed with Caribou Barbie’s sterling scientific reasoning. She should get one of those on-line Ph.D.'s and teach at a school of meteorology. That way she can keep us all up to date on the next meteor that will show up…wait, what?


Stretch hummer conservative?

Bimbostiltskin whining about “limousine liberals”…

Well this Passenger-Sedan Moderate says Fuck You, Sarah.

And climate change is real, enhanced/augmented by humans, and a serious fucking problem.

“…celebrities and limousine liberals who consume more fuel and emit more emissions bee-bopping around in their private jets and multiple mansions…”

Reminds me of a certain abdicated former half-Governor of Alaska.

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