Discussion: Sarah Palin: Climate Change Is The New Eugenics

Stretch Hummer, no less. Flew off inna plane to shoot at a moose. Had to haul a real hunter with her to finish the poor beast off properly.


That also would be devastating to TPM’s clickstream, which now covers Palin stories that are rejected by HuffPo and TPMZ as “too shallow”.


I can see that the constant expression of hatred can prematurely age oneself.


Because their highly partisan readers eagerly lap it up.

Hey, it’s MUCH easier than writing about how ineffective the Democratic Party has become.


OMFG!!! She’s such a target-rich environment and such a global embarrassment on so many levels that I’ve just been reduced to saying, each time she oozes back onto the screen, (*Planet of the Apes reference following.) : " All the time, it was… You Maniac! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell…[John McCain]!"



From a foremost expert in junk science…

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If the media would stop feeding this attention hoar she would go away.

She would be much more authoritative if it appeared, in the least, that she actually had the slightest idea what eugenics means!



This is true. For some reason, certain media outlets have a rather unhealthy obsession with her of late, despite her current lack of political significance.

. . . says the poster child for eugenics.


Piggybacking on a Weather Channel co-founder John Coleman

Pay TV hint, Sarah, I’d watch this…

PS-Why’s Sarah blurrier than the distant background in the article image?

The “actual science” of “Jesus will fix it”.

Duh. Don’t you know nothing about science?


So, your argument is to just stop listening to what a halfwit has to say to the American public? A lot of people would, if there weren’t thousands of people who willingly not only listen to people like Palin, but believe every word that issues forth from her (and others) mouth(s) as unvarnished gospel truth.

Yes, it would be nice if we could just disregard her (and others) as raving lunatics, but when citizens take what that they say as being true, that’s when we need to put it out there that it’s not, she (and others) are just raving looneys.


So… say something bugfuck crazy and people will forget the drunken street brawl?


It’s called “vaseline on the lens”. Made Liz Taylor “look young” for decades.


Story has been up for 45 minutes during working hours and already 35 comments and counting, and who knows how many clicks. That generates revenue. Not much more complex than that.

Well, they could just go ahead and get some models for some Page Three type stuff. I’d click. And wouldn’t end up with an earache afterwards.

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Thousands of people are not relevant to elections, etc. Most Republicans can’t stand her, so her being in the news is just to bring ratings. I’d bet more people that can’t stand her click on the articles about her than ones who like her. It’s like Maddow or Hannity, many of the people who watch their shows can’t stand them, and watch so they can yell at the TV and say sophomoric words like “libtard’s” or “repug’s”. Contributes nothing to getting things done.

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Wait, I think I finally understand. Jabberwocky Barbie literally has no native tongue. Her brain treats ALL languages as foreign.

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