Discussion: Sarah Huckabee Sanders: VA Restaurant Kicked Me Out 'Because I Work For POTUS'

I would like to say that this restaurant participates in racism and bigotry.


The Liberal Left must understand that having Trump Derangement Syndrome is not justification for taking revenge on those who align themselves with the Conservative position and/or President Trump.

Us ‘Trumpettes’, ‘Deplorables’ or whatever else you want to identify us by are a group of American individuals with a similar view point and belief. Just like Christians, Muslims, African-Americans (Blacks), Irish, Jews, Italians, Mexicans, etc. etc. we represent a segment of American Society that can be identified as a group. For the Left to hold such animosity, anger and vile towards us is no different than those who would hold the same against any of the aforementioned groups. It’s called RACISM.

Do not be a patron of this restaurant as they practice RACISM and bigotry.

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Which brings up something I have always wondered about. Why is it Fem politicos dress up in pantsuits instead of looking like the ladies they are? Is it a subconscious thinking the male politicos won’t respect them unless they look like intimation guys? I’ve seen the same thing in business. And, as previously noted, it doesn’t get any respect from the thugs and mugs.
Imagine her wearing that dress on the House floor. (Imagine the outrage from disturbed expectations!)
Isn’t it time for a little “up your nose with a rubber hose”?

I know, I’m weird.

Wow! A Republican kicked out of a restaurant in Lexington Va? Why old Bobby Lee must be rolling over in his grave. There’s a blue wave coming. LETS GO BLUE WAVE

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No, they did not. That was a very narrow decision based on the specifics of that case, basically it was the state that was shown to be discriminating. Read up on it.

The broader decision has not been made, but it will likely say discrimination of any kind is wrong. And in this case, this business owner has no right to do what they did. I can’t stand her, but when you own a business you need to play by the rules, and no discrimination of any kind is allowed.

" I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so"

is this her idea of a joke?
words fail…


At the next presser, every time she says something, the correspondents should thank her for her courtesy and respectful speech.


I don’t agree with the philosophy of refusing to serve someone simply because you disagree with their politics … however I also strongly disagree with Sanders’ self-assessment regarding how she treats others, especially the press corps.

So many comments on here on how they loved this, when in fact as you say this is 100% wrong. Discrimination is wrong. Period. I don’t like your politics and I am sure the feeling is mutual, but we both have a right to be served by ANY business.

SCOTUS didn’t say any such thing.

The ruling was narrow and cowardly—it said that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission couldn’t base decisions on its own prejudices.


SHS gets more unhinged every day.

Maybe she should shop here…


Thanks for the abbreviated treatment of SHS quotes of this theme. There must be many hundreds of them.


Who cares? I don’t.

The Supreme Court has not decided that. You did not read up on the case. In that case it was decided that the State of Colorado were showing discrimination, and they were. Even 2 liberal justices agreed and voted with the majority. They did NOT do that because they think you should not have to make a gay wedding cake, that is false.

SCOTUS will not allow discrimination of any kind for businesses. And this is discrimination.

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It’s pretty amazing how many people are just clueless on that case. Conservatives have the majority of the market on ignorance, but the left has their crowd as well. Two liberal justices sided with the baker on that decision, and it was obviously NOT because they felt the baker should have been allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

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In general, yes.

Again—in general, yes. But restaurants and other business have long had the right to refuse service to individuals—as long as the refusal is not based on that individual’s membership in a protected class.

So far, Lying Assholes are not a protected class.


And then a few more times just to make sure.

They are Nazis for all love - that’s the only goddamn thing Nazis are good for.


I think that the restaurant could post a sign reading: “We refuse to serve anyone who works for the Trump administration”, and it would be upheld by the courts. Whether this particular request to leave would stand judicial review is another question.

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It’s back up now.

Here’s their “comments” email


It. Is. Not. Discrimination.


I always find it amusing when white people whine about being a victim of racism. How about we go with a religious objection on the part of the restaurant. Specifically, the ninth commandment, Thou Shall Not Lie. Sarah lies every day, for a living.

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