Discussion for article #234349
Or…and I know this may not make sense to Santorum…or Obama wants to make sure that Iran will become a more peaceful nation willing to fight ISIL.
What a frothy statement.
I thought that Obama just wanted to visit Tehran before he was out office and off the government dole so he could get a really good falafel from one of the street venders.
And a nickel says Santorum’s ignorance and hate buys him a spot on a Sunday talk show this week or next. They are probably eagerly on the phone to him already.
OK Mr. Santorum…if you rule out diplomacy how else would you deal with Iran? Come on…act like you have a pair and say “war”. Because that is all you have…as sanctions sure as hell didn’t stop them.
And as for that Nobel Prize quip…how do you KNOW that? What facts do you have to support that?
“We will never have the elite, smart people on our side,” Santorum said at one point.
Wait, Joe Piscopo is still alive?
"But even if you agree that they’ll live up to the agreement, at the end of the agreement they’ll be in a position where they can be a nuclear power, and that to me is completely unacceptable,
The GOP thinks that
- High level state department communication is done by email.
- A rich nation like Iran would have to MAKE a nuclear weapon to have a nuclear weapon.
The GOP has so much imagination regarding Obama’s birth, immigrants, gay sex, climate change, and the Constitution, but they have none when it comes to brass-tacks functionality and getting shit done.
Teatroll Rosetta Stone says: " An Iran deal would provide additional justification for Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, so we have to prevent it at any cost."
And thanks, Rick, for reminding everyone PBO won a NPP. Rick went on “Even though President Obama had Bin Laden killed and saved countless jobs in the Auto industry–not to mention ensured millions have great health inusrance–I think this deal with Iran is a dog.”
No NO No NO. He’s LOOKIng for a PLAce to LIVE after HIS presIDENCY where he is sAFE froM extraDITION over HIGH criMEs and MISDEMEANORS for BENGHAZI, ACA and some OTHEr scandal. He WanTs to LEarn SHARIa and mingLE with His CO-religionists!1!!1one!11!!
Santorum being interviewed by Joe Piscopo; two has-beens, yelling at a microphone. That’s ENTERTAINMENT!!! Ricky, go away, nobody likes you and no one gives two pennies for whatever passes through that large hole in your skull. With apologies to Brother Pierce, have I mentioned what a dick Santorum is?? He’s just jealous because his shot at a Nobel is not calculable, or on an infinitesimal order of probability.
Dude, they gave him the Nobel Peace Prize because he wasn’t George W. Bush. An admittedly low bar, but deserving nonetheless.
Santorum as usual has no clue what he is saying and no relevance to Middle East religious calculus. I suppose his dogma overwhelms facts and logic 24-7. Iran militias are driving ISIL out of Tikrit. The Saudi’s don’t like it. We are kinda on a tightrope in ME negotiations and military activity. Santorum and the New, Improved 47% are mucking things up. BBC sez: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-31901961
In the real world, Nobel Prizes are justified prior to being awarded. Otherwise, everybody, including Santorum, would be given one and then be asked to prove why it should not be revoked.
“Has Been” Santorum, well, has been…
…Because peace is always a tragedy?
Rick is one of those guys who will fight to the last drop of someone else’s blood before he let’s Iran get The Bomb.
Anyone who listens to this moron deserves whatever word-salad they get.
Rick Santorum is one of the few dip-shits that can make Caribou Barbie look smart in comparison.
The fact that he was EVER elected to the Senate speaks volumes about how many ignorant rednecks there are in Pennsylvania.