Yep. You’d find bad stuff about some of my friends and colleagues in my email, as well. That’s what people do. Bernie on point.
Scrubbing my account now … thanks Bernie —
Bernie, thanks for bringing that up again two weeks before the election. With friends like these, who needs enemas.
Would be kind of neat if a reporter asked someone like KA Conway when she was railing on about Clinton/Podesta emails whether there was anything embarrassing in Trump staff emails. When she said no suggest that they then release theirs and watch hr sputter!!
Eh, this doesn’t bother me at all. Bernie’s acknowledging political reality—primary campaigns can be every bit as vicious as general elections. While I wish he’d taken a different tack on some issues, it doesn’t do any Democrat a particle of good to relitigate the primaries now. Bernie appears to share that opinion.
What’s important is that he’s out campaigning for Clinton this late in the campaign, and that can only help Hillary. He’s done more than I thought he would.
“Trust me, if they went into our emails—I suppose which may happen, who knows—I’m sure there would be statements that would be less than flattering about, you know, the Clinton staff,” Sanders told the Washington Post on Monday. “That’s what happens in campaigns.”
Publicly revealing communications meant to be private tends to bring up the occasional embarrassing and awkward statement. Reinforcing that was helpful, I guess. Patting yourself on the back for your supposed unscripted genuineness by comparison isn’t. You have one job now, Bernie. and that’s to help Hillary. (You big doofus.)
Hey, Julian! Who’s feeling the Bern now?
The people that supported KGBwiki have a lot of egg on their face – the NSA hasn’t done a percent of the stuff these shitburners do to private citizens. The DNC is a organization of PRIVATE citizens – releasing private communications from those people in beyond deplorable and evil.
“We did not have a committee deciding what kind of jokes I would be
telling. In fact, we usually had me scrambling to write my speech on a
yellow piece of paper, which I finished three minutes before I would go
up there,” Sanders told the Post. “So, you know, they were much more
prepared and much better organized and careful about what they were
saying or not saying.”
That seems like he is criticizing Clinton, but when you consider that he outspent Clinton by $24M during the primary all this means is she was better organized and better spent her money on staff so she was ready. I don’t know where he put his money if he didn’t put it in staff, but it obviously wasn’t as effective as where she put her money.
Of course you will find bad stuff about Hillary in Bernie’s tweets. They went at each other tooth and nail for months. Anything else wouldn’t be normal.
Seems as if he’s just telling his supporters to put away their outrage, and get real about how campaigns work. Don’t see how this will hurt anyone.
“It’s amusing,” he said. “We said that the Clinton campaign was heavily influencing what the DNC was doing regarding debates, and that’s exactly what had been happening. None of that is a shock to me. Was I shocked to find out that the DNC was partial toward Clinton? Not exactly. That’s something we knew from day one.”
This is so asinine. The DNC was not partial toward Clinton. Some people in the organization were, others in the organization were partial toward you. If there’s one thing I’m so sick of in this election it’s rich white men complaining the election is/was rigged because they’re losing/lost to a woman who was better prepared than they were.
That said, I very much appreciate his efforts to help Clinton (and the rest of the planet) and I’m glad he took the time to point out that his staffers were no better than Clinton’s during the primary. But it’s Clinton Rules which require that she and her campaign be a held to a standard we’d not except anyone else’s to ever be held to.
Classy victim response to target of leaked email. The real victim is the one whose privacy has been invaded when the “crime” exposed is no crime:
Evidently you need an enema if you can’t see past your disgust of Bernie to acknowledge that he’s saying something that’s not only true, but also kinda positive.
Yes he is. But he manages to get a dig and praise for himself in there as well.
Comparing Sanders to Trump? That’s pretty fucked up, plucky.