And as big a liar.
I think it broke her
Too much cured meat consumption?
”Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Wednesday insisted President Donald Trump’s administration had a good day on Tuesday…”
If she thought that Tuesday was great, then she’s really gonna love the second Tuesday of next November.
(PS: Marty Feldman called; he wants his eye back.)
“I think that the White House had a great day yesterday,” Sanders replied.
Is she talking about the inanimate object at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or the inane object that occupies it?
Sadly, it’s the second Tuesday of November 2018. Still 16 months away. But yeah, let’s make sure we keep giving them something to which to look forward.
Don’t feed the troll…
Which troll? 'Cuz Sarah sure fits that description. A delusional troll at that.
Like when the pilot comes on just to say hi and mention casually they’ve experienced some minor offcoming of a couple of the wing portions of the aircraft—nothing to worry about, this is something they’ve trained for and at this time he’d like to ask the cabin crew to go to their emergency landing positions and above all we know you have choices when you vote and we want to thank you for choosing Trump Airlines.
@ghghtu had a 36 minute lifespan. All gone…
Yep. Everything is
Fucked up
Needs Help
Copacetic, Folks. Nothing to see here.
If this is what great is for this WH, I really don’t want to see what fantastic looks like. I’m thinking it might involve artillery and explosions.
In that photo, Sarah seems intent on giving someone the stink-eye.
Pretty hostile family. If you’re only lying to the country and inflaming social divisions to the near-breaking point, and not literally hanging and stoning dogs, you’re on the mellow side of the bunch.
Blind sycophancy and advanced ability to utter words without meaning are the traits most valued by trump – that and having a daddy to whom trump owes a favor.
She seems to have untreated strabismus.
She also seems to have untreated STD’s and untreated mental illness.
Maybe just inbreeding.
Great, but not Yuuuge!
In other words shitty.