Discussion: Sanders: Watch Me On 'SNL,' Not The GOP Debate!

Discussion for article #245664

From SNL - “Bern Your Enthusiasm,” the real story behind Bernie’s narrow loss in Iowa.

If there’s one thing he took from Obama’s playbook, it was finding ways to appeal to a broad audience.

Not sure if it will work in his favor, but going on SNL was an interesting move. The aftermath will determine if it was more savvy or opportunistic.

This headline makes no sense, but my first impression was that you are trying to imply that Sanders suggested that people shouldn’t pay attention to the Republicans and that it’s poor citizenship. amiwrong?

A little reporting (or perhaps your own common sense) might inform you that the debate was over before SNL began, and his vine, when I checked at 4:46 am est, was 6 hours old, pretty much after the debate ended. His remarks were in jest (he’s really pretty funny, not a grumpy old man) and harmless from a citizenship point of view because of their timing. He might have better said “watch me now that the debate is over”, but big deal.

Hillary’s camp, otoh, is hawking the line about how she’s a “doer” because she’s going to Flint tomorrow to “listen.” Which is a thin campaign ploy geared to Michigan and her African-American “firewall,” now destroyed by the Ben Jealous Sanders endorsement and the fact it’s age, not race/love for Clinton, that’s splitting the African-American vote. And, excuse me, but Maddow’s been on this story for weeks. EPA is on-site. Congress is holding hearings (absent Snyder, of course, to protect him). Another Hillary-come-lately moment. As another news site commented, the best thing she can do is bring a lot of water.

As for the vine, meh. Did like the SNL split screen of the wardrobe choices of Kim Jong Un and Hillary, though. They made fun of Bernie’s “attire”, too.


Actually, once Rachel drummed up some attention, Hillary and Bernie both contributed to overcoming the political inertia. I guess you take your screen name seriously, if nothing else.

“Actually, once Rachel drummed up some attention, Hillary and Bernie both contributed to overcoming the political inertia. I guess you take your screen name seriously, if nothing else.”

Yes, that’s true. But Bernie’s not campaigning on it or calling attention to it or going there. Reminds me of McCain’s stunt when he stopped campaigning because of the financial crisis and had Bush hold a meeting in the WH and then showed he didn’t know what he was talking about. (Hillary does, but that’s a separate issue)

And, to jeolopines, how else would you read this headline? The only possible way to interpret it is that it was that people should watch him “instead of” - NOT - the debate. The vine was posted after the debate. He’s too decent to do otherwise (some distance from Cruz, huh?), and that’s why people like me like him. Hillary? Now, with her “artful smear” attacks, she’s come to the realization that the only way she’s going to win is to win ugly.