Discussion: Sanders' Vatican City Visit Rankles Some Church Officials

You don’t really think he’s doing this when he’s doing it to fulfill a lifelong ambition to speak at the Vatican do you? Seriously? You don’t think there might be just a few ulterior motives in all this?


If you were organizing an event and some guy who was not scheduled to attend made a public announcement a week before the event declaring that he was going, wouldn’t that upset you? It is not cool to never RSVP to an event but publicly declare you would be attending just days before it happens.

Even worse, Sanders is clearly trying to milk it for political gain given the public way he announced his attendance. It is odd how he called it a “major conference” and declared he would be speaking. The organizer of the event, though, categorized it as a minor workshop and Sanders was obvious not listed as a speaker as no one expected him to attend.


Yeah, but whew…that’s not what happened here.

No, it’s not odd. There will be two Latin American presidents in attendance. That qualifies for loosely using the words “major conference.”

As I’ve said before: I’m a Clinton supporter and I’m done cutting rabid Bernie supporters any slack, but some of my fellow Clinton folks are being a little ridiculous about this. Stop. Just fucking stop.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Every friggin time this freak looks like the freak that he is, the sychophants come out of the woodwork to defend him. What would be happening right now if Hillary pulled this same STUNT?


And what about the Chancellor. Do you think he knows more than you do? Or are you simply picking the side that reinforces your beliefs.

By the way, you’re doing a great job of representing the ugliest wing of Clinton supporters. I have nothing against Clinton or her supporters, but its the shrill, irrational people like yourself that have me shaking my head.

Holy crap, you people are obnoxious. No, I wouldn’t be hammering her for getting invited to a Vatican conference. Why the hell would I?


Politicians doing political things? SCANDAL!!!

I think everyone who is “outraged” by this is ignoring the fact that Pope Francis has outlined an economic philosophy that is almost perfectly aligned with Bernie’s. As a liberal Catholic, this is why I love Bernie and the Pope so much. All the whining in this thread smacks of sour grapes from Clinton fans.


He just better provide the transcript!


You’re so right. Hillary Clinton would NEVER pull a political stunt.


He pushed for the ‘invite’ – that in my book is not really an invite. And the original story was that he would be headlining - hah! And the invite came from the Vatican – read Pope – but it did not. And he’s supposed to be so honest and trustworthy? No. Plus it looks like he’s now pissed off the Vatican.


This clown is at it again and being defended by his cult followers all the way. I am getting sick and tired of the double standard used by Bernistas. If Hillaryllary pulled the same stunt, wow


I’ll see your $10 and raise it $5 that it’s HRC she wants invited!


Where does it say that? Please cite.

AND even if he did, who fucking cares? The topic of the conference fits snugly into the theme of his campaign and it makes perfect sense for him to want to participate, and no, it doesn’t fucking matter that he wanted to participate in part to help his campaign. Even if he was asking for an invite, the Chancellor was perfectly free and capable of saying “no, I’m sorry, but the guest list is full and my boss thinks you’re a smelly old man.”


Or maybe Americans. She’s a Brit.


It was not readily apparent because Team Sanders, including Bernie, was spinning like a top.


Ha…mayhap…but I think given the religious nature of the organization that I picked the better likelihood :stuck_out_tongue:


You’ve been in the communion wine again, haven’t you?

the sour grapes are all coming from the Bernie Brigade—and they’re so sour I can taste them through the interwebs.


Of course it’s true – this woman is an academic and abhors someone with a political objective muscling in. This conference was likely planned and schedule months ago and now right before a do or die election for Sanders he’s going to show up and play for the cameras.


Odd situation. What happened here is about as clear as mud. Sounds like he was invited by one person and the other didn’t like the choice of invite.

But I will say welcome to the big leagues, Bernie. This is the kind of story that makes headlines only after you make it to the top of the national stage. The media is finally waking up to him and starting to put everything he does under the microscope. I wish him luck as his path has now gotten more treacherous…


Who wants a woman POTUS for solidarity? Working as a Vatican official must certainly rub her consciousness raw on a daily basis!


Oh, there are certainly Bernie supporters who are as whiny and shrill as you, but that’s not what is happening in this thread. You, @boulderdash, @sailmom, @jesus_quintana, @humpback and the rest are desperately trying to turn an internal political disagreement between the President and the Chancellor into something far nastier and underhanded. Every Bernie bashing comment I’ve read here smacks of desperation from Clinton supporters who think he should just drop out and let Hillary have what is hers. It’s pathetic and transparent.

I gotta say, I’ve read a lot of pro-Hillary opinions in the Hive that are informative and intelligent, even though I may disagree with them. This thread? Not one.


From Bloomberg posted upthread,

However Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the Academy, speaking on the phone from New York, said he extended the invitation to Sanders, though he declined to say who initiated the contact.

No sure way to know “Who started it!” (a little difficult to insert “She” in this case :slight_smile: ) but at this point it’s another interesting story… and yet both camps probably see it to reinforce their preexisting perception of the candidate.

Having said that I tend to agree with @hikergirl upthread that he should have declined. But whoever initiated it, it just makes me wonder why Vatican made that invitation anyway at such a timing as that. Not prudent IMO.