Discussion: Sanders' Vatican City Visit Rankles Some Church Officials

Bull. Sanders should have said no because it would be perceived exactly how it has been–that this is the Vatican getting involved in US elections and trying to influence votes 4 day before a critical NY primary. Very disturbing and equally so that Bernie is doing this. A meeting or conference after Nov 8th–no problem.


The president of the Academy says she didn’t issue the invite, and that such things are part of her job, and no one else’s.


No, it doesn’t count, because the Sanders campaign officials lie with alarming regularity.


First of all, this seems to be a disagreement between the President and the Chancellor of the Academy:

However Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the Academy, speaking on the phone from New York, said he extended the invitation to Sanders, though he declined to say who initiated the contact.

And maybe you aren’t aware, but Catholicism is as divided as American politics. Just because the President claims Bernie initiated it doesn’t make it true.


Was Margaret Archer this upset when “little” Kim Davis met with the Pope?


What else will this phony do to win, drop to his knees when he gets there??

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Holy crap, tone down the bitterness, Clintonista. Bernie’s beliefs on social injustice are almost word-for-word what traditional Catholic teaching (as well as the Pope’s teaching).


Bullshit. Chancellor invited him. Sounds like Archer is a republican/conservative fucknut who is throwing a bit of a hissy and now trying to poison his attendance by lying that Sanders is somehow being discourteous even though he was invited.

AND OF COURSE IT’S POLITICAL, YOU FUCKING TWIT. It’s inextricably political. You can’t discuss economic policy without taking into consideration the realities of our political system and how the policies would be implemented. What a fucking joke.

$10 says she orders invitations sent out to Cruz and Trump…or maybe Ryan.


Big Time!

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She’s a British academic who lives in Switzerland and is president of the “Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences,” whatever the fuck that is.

And while she says she’s been slighted, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the Chancellor of the (WTF?) “Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences” says he extended the invitation to Sanders.

So round and round it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.

But it sounds like there may be a little competition between the Vatican apparatchiks.


Shouldn’t the Vatican official who invited Senator Sanders be the person responsible for informing Ms. Archer of the invite? Why should an outsider dignitary be expected to know Vatican protocol?

Perhaps Ms. Archer is upset that her preferred candidate didn’t get an invitation?


I’m confused by the “accusation…” Other than in the headline, there doesn’t really seem to be anything supporting the notion…


No bitterness at all, BernieBot.

I don’t give a shit what his beliefs are vis-a-vis the Church.

The President of the group hosting the event is who I believe, because she knows more about it that you do.


You Bernie cultists have an excuse for every goddamn thing he does. If the tables were turned, you would be absolutely hammering Hillary!!!


Or perhaps she’s just an uptight Brit academician.


How would Sanders know that? He’s innocent in this, even if he contacted them first. He received an ostensibly legitimate invite and accepted it. Let’s all lighten up a bit: It’s Friday and I’m skipping my weekly outrage crescendo haha


Vatican politics makes the American primaries look like the Rainbow Coalition. Pope Francis is on board with liberation theology, which is the very liberal wing of Catholicism, while his predecessor, Pope Benedict, was a hard-right theologian who sought to bring some of the most radical conservative Catholic groups back into the fold (many were essentially blackballed from the church).


Oof! Another apparent misstep with just 10 days left for Sanders to show New Yorkers that he would make a better president, but instead they will be talking about this.


Answerfrog would say that, wouldn’t he. Your initial post is still essentially correct.


There are just 20 academics and there will be nothing of policy relevance,” Archer added."

followed by

“We are interested in having him because we have two presidents coming from Latin America, I thought it would be good to have an authoritative voice from North America,” [the Chancellor, a Bishop] said."

Archer is a fucking liar. She just doesn’t like Bernie/liberals.