If contested means Bernie will serve sour grapes, yes, perhaps the convention will be contested. If contested means, Bernie has a chance at the nomination, no, the convention will not be contested.
At this point your path to the nomination would need to include a trip through a wardrobe. Just stop it.
You keep using that word “contested.” I do not think it means what you think it means.
Why would losing California be an embarrassment for Clinton? When Obama lost California in 2008, it wasn’t seen as an embarrassment, neither was his loss of 6 of the last 9 contests. When writers aren’t busy setting a higher bar for women, they’re busy erecting an imaginary one
One candidate and his supporters throwing a Naderite hissy fit does not equal a contested convention.
Requiring that each state vote is not “contested” but simply having a voice vote. A contested convention means no one wins on the first vote. That’s not going to happen. Hillary Clinton will win on the first ballot.
You would think that someone who is running for the nomination for president of the United States of America would understand the process and use the right words.
Weaver is such a putz…so not a Democrat. Of course there will be a role call vote. There always is a roll call vote. And after it is finished Bernie Sanders will lose. Then what? Stomp his feet? Hold his breath until he dies? Lock himself in the bathroom? Or maybe he’ll just take a steaming dump right there on the convention floor. But no matter what, who fucking cares? He lost.
In which Bernie reveals yet again that he has a limited grasp of reality.
Simply saying it a bunch of times doesn’t make it so, Bernie.
pointing to polls showing him faring better than Clinton in head-to-head matchups with Trump.
88% of Clinton primary voters would be willing to put their differences with Sanders aside to favor Bernie in a head-to-head matchup with Trump.
Would Sanders voters be similarly willing to do the same thing? Hardly.
Only 66% of Democratic primary voters preferring Sanders support Clinton in a matchup against Trump.
In other words, the polls showing Sanders doing better against Trump than Clinton are heavily influenced by the fact that Clinton supporters are emotionally and intellectually mature enough to recognize that whatever his flaws, Sanders would be preferable to Trump. The reverse is something that a significant percentage of Sanders supporters apparently aren’t capable of.
The statement by Sanders that he’s going to contest the nomination—which depends on the superdelegates doing something they’ve never done—is an indication that he has no intention of ever endorsing Clinton, and is perfectly willing to throw the election to Trump.
So, Bernie Sanders is “predicting” that he’s going to act like a jerk for the next seven weeks. How is that a prediction? He’s just saying “I’m going to be a jerk and you can’t stop me.”
Bernie’s grapes are so sour, I can taste them through the interwebs.
In reality losing California wouldn’t be an embarrassment for Hillary. However, it’s looking like sexism actually trumps racism and losing to a girl isn’t allowed, so a victory by Hillary has to be downgraded. I do wonder if Bernie were being beaten by say Joe Biden, if he wouldn’t be a lot more conciliatory.
Also, too, Hillary was an actual Democrat who recognized that winning the Presidency was more important than taking down the party’s nominee. She wasn’t going to let Obama start a campaign with a cloud over it. Bernie just joined the party and doesn’t have that type of loyalty to the party itself.
I hope Bernie will come around once the dust settles, but until he does, I’m concerned.
Dommyluc predicts that on June 8th, 2016, the opinion of Bernie Sanders will be about as relevant as a fart during a tornado.
Dommyluc also predicts that the majority of Democrats are going to want Bernie to take a very long fucking walk on a very short fucking pier.
Bernie likens to John Dillinger predicting that banks will be robbed.
Do us a favor, will 'ya Bern? After your little kerfuffle and Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes the 2016 Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States, don’t be a bad loser. Pull your supporters together to get behind Hillary Clinton. Do it for all the right reasons. And you have to push back on the Bernie-or-busters/Susan Sarandon defeatist tantrum crowd, and implore them to vote Democratic even if, for some, it’s only to beat dRumpf back into the swamp from which he crawled.
Hey, Berne! Here’s another little birdie to land on your podium:
In lieu of media whoring, Senator Sanders will now force-feed voodoo math to deny and contest HRC’s rightful numbers to the democratic nomination.
Shame on Bernie & his cult following !
Sanders: “I’m predicting that I will contest Hillary’s nomination at the convention”