Discussion for article #245074
Too late, ladies already with Hillary.
Oh so he isn’t attacking planned parenthood just the leaders of it, because everyone who supports planned parenthood must be in favor of Sanders, even though those people are likely women and minorities which are his weak points demographically.
Whatever. I was singularly unimpressed by his first smearing Planned Parenthood as “establishment” because they dared to endorse his competitor. I was almost as unimpressed by his supposed walking it back, where he said it was all just the management who made that decision.
NARAL endorsed Clinton in 2007(or 8) Obama never commented on it negatively. Once the GE was on, NARAL was firmly behind Obama, because they knew he would also be a strong pro-choice candidate, as he was.
Bernie did not impress me on this one.
It’s about damn time. Sorry Bernie, but if heaven forbid you would occupy the Oval Office, a response that came this late to any issue, foreign or domestic, urgent or not, would be over before you even gave it a passing thought.
Boy, does he carry a grudge. He still can’t bring himself to admit that he’s the only member of The Establishment involved here.
Agreed, but I don’t think it pivots entirely on his handling of this faux pax.
One thing that I personally keep coming back to…is looking around the globe at how many countries…and what countries…have had female leaders. And we haven’t. South American countries. Asian countries Muslim countries. Nearly every country in Europe. But not the U.S.A.
Ironically, the one party that runs women candidates the most in America? The Socialist Party, in its various name changes.
Almost feel bad spoiling your fun, but he of course never said everyone who supports planned parenthood must be in favor or Sanders, he just said (accurately) that he has a strong pro-choice voting record, and implied, rather gently, that just because the leadership of a group supports one candidate, not all members of that group necessarily do too.
He certainly didn’t say “everyone” who supports PP “must” support him. You just invented that out of thin air and then expressed outrage at your own invention. But it seems like a pretty safe bet that a fair number of Bernie supporters are also pro-reproductive-rights and pro-Planned Parenthood.
And by the way, while Bernie still trails with women and minorities, he’s gaining ground with both, and already doing very well with younger women, for example. And I’m gonna go way out on a limb here and guess that most of these young women supporters of Bernie’s are also supporters of reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood.
No one ever said that everyone in PP must support Sanders. Sanders called PP establishment (sneer inherent) for endorsing Hillary. Then his (pathetic to my mind) walk back slurred the management for doing so (because clearly the rank and file would feel differently than their managements decision to support Hillary) .
Yes, Sanders has a perfect record for being pro-choice. That makes him so different than the other Dem candidates, how? Oh wait, it doesn’t. It’s almost as if PP wants more than what the normal Dem candidates do to endorse, but someone who make women’s health and choice, a key part of their campaign, as Hillary has.
I have many issues with HIllary, her commitment to women’s reproductive rights are not among them. And yes, I think she has been much more out there about them, than Bernie has so I can see why women’s reproductive rights organizations would favor her. It’s not that hard. And Bernie’s sour grapes attitude about it has been distinctly off-putting.
I agree. But the commenter I was responding to claimed that Bernie was saying that, which he was not.
Fundamentally, all Bernie is pointing out is that despite PP’s endorsement of Hillary, many supporters of reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood support the Sanders campaign too. And with his strong support among youth, including young women, I think it’s a pretty fair bet that’s true.
As far as his awkward and ill-advised attempt to connect the organizational endorsement to his “establishment” narrative, I score it as a garden-variety gaffe, unlikely to have any real impact. The PP endorsement itself, on the other hand, probably does have a real impact.
Sanders just needs to mansplain things to the little ladies, amiright? Because how dare an organization dedicated to women’s reproductive rights endorse the female Presidential candidate.
Maybe he should yell a little louder.
Nice straw man. Bernie said nothing of the sort. His argument is he has a great record on reproductive rights and supporters of PP can make up their own minds. But I guess he went too far by implying that despite the endorsement for Hillary from PP leadership, some supporters of reproductive rights and PP might actually be supporting his campaign. Because surely that couldn’t be true!?!?
Did you used to interpret news for Tass or Pravda?
What a load of horseshit you have dumped.
planned parenthood celebrates its 100 year since being established in october 1916. it has operations in all 50 states. at least up until the ascendance and disgracefully cynical exploitation of the religious right, esp by the bush clan (who had previously been supporters), they received bipartisan support among national political leaders. in fact, richard nixon advocated and supported family planning programs (via salon):
Republican President Richard Nixon was another major backer of federally
funded family planning. He called for a national family planning program shortly after he took office in 1969 and worked with Bush, who headed the Republican Research Committee Task Force on Earth Resources and Population, to secure passage of the Family Planning Services and Population Research Act. This created the Title X Family Planning Program to provide sexual and reproductive health services to low-income individuals and is still a major source of funding for Planned Parenthood.
the point being, that pp is not some newby start-up with no political clout. they are an influential and nationwide organization who are able to rally their membership to continue those services and support for them, despite the current success of the fanatical religious right. it’s disingenuous to portray them otherwise; and the nonsense associated with sanders’ comment about them being part of the establishment is more truthful than clinton’s denial of it.
Bullshit. They have received very little funding from the government and provide incredible services to women while they face the threat of violence on a daily basis. I don’t give a shit how long they’ve been around, they are hardly establishment
sometimes the base of an organization looks at the world a little bit differently than the leadership," Sanders said, before questioning the organization’s decision to endorse Clinton.
Not a great statement either, which comes across as still trying to sour grape this.
Yet that is the veiled implication of the statement here. Which smacks of weasel-wording and sour grapes. I think Sanders is better than this flub.
Rich ladies maybe. Not women, who donate to Sanders in far greater numbers.
You do realize PP leadership has some shady nepotistic ties to the Clinton campaign, right? Pure House of Cards stuff.
For 2013 - 2014, 40% of PP’s funding, or about $528 million, came from the government. Total revenue was about $1.3 billion.
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