Discussion: Sanders Disavows Surrogate's 'Corporate Democratic Whores' Remark (VIDEO)

Salon has an article examining why Sanders, a 74 year old Democratic Socialist, is doing so well. Well, it seems a lot of his supporters are pissed at Democratic whores serving corporations and not people. What you are looking at is a rejection of the centrist politics and policies that have dominated Democratic politics since the time of Bill Clinton. Think of Sanders as an old testament prophet. Here the old time religion he is preaching is what Democrats used to be about before Democrats and the corporate media convinced America that Bob Dole’s health care plan is a giant socialist reach.


“Old testament prophet” actually quite an apt description - there’s about the same amount of substance behind his rhetoric


“Old testament prophet” is actually a pretty apt description - there’s about the same amount of substance behind his rhetoric


No need for an apology…he was telling it exactly like it is!

In today’s plutocracy and dominance by big money and the Republicans, when something is “pro-business” it is by definition anti-worker and anti-family and anti-America.

Bill and Hillary led the corporate whores…and it’s time the corporate whores get booted from the Democratic party and sent to where they belong…the Republican party. At least this way we actually have a 2 party (real choice) system. Plutocrats Vs Democracy.

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Aren’t those Old Testament folks that ones that would stone you to death for eating shellfish and various other capital crimes made up by themselves?


This is the rhetoric that makes me an “Anybody But Sanders” person.


The old testament he is calling us back to is the Democratic party as it existed in the time before the Clinton democrats went into a defensive crouch in the 1990s. The Democratic party used to stand for something. It used to be the party that tried to make life better for the masses.

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He’s doing so well that he’s losing the delegate race, the overall vote tally race, and the nomination itself.

Your Bernie idolatry is both risible and pathetic.


Actually, I have long believed this election is the “Revenge of the Disenfranchised White Guy” election. We all are well aware of Trump’s supporters and who they are, but no one ever talks about Sanders’s constituency. The biggest contingent? Young white males.

The difference between the Trump supporters and these young white male Sanders supporters (the “Bernie Bros”) is that they don’t see themselves as racist or sexist. And I don’t think they are in any overt sense (well, with the finger-waving, mansplaining that they do, they are certainly overtly sexist.) Instead it’s that subtle discrimination that people don’t even recognize in themselves. “You know, Jamal Washington doesn’t seem like a good fit for this company. I can’t quite put my finger on WHY…just seems…you know…a little “street.” Not quite our image. Sure he went to Harvard Law, but…I think this Mike Smith person is just a better candidate. No Harvard Law, but, a pretty decent state college.”

To these people, Sanders fits into their expectations of what a president is SUPPOSED to be (and was, traditionally): A wrinkled, white old man.

Not a person of color, not a fuckin WOMAN, but an old white guy.

“It just seems RIGHT, ya know?”

I think it’s also why I’ve had conversations with hard core conservatives (no fooling) who said things like this: “I’ve been a hard core conservative for thirty years…but I really like what that Sanders fella is saying.”

Now…why would that be? On the Republican side, they got a mawkish clown, and one of those, you know, ethnics.


When I read “old testament prophet” I think “delusional crazy man”. I doubt that’s what you wanted to say.


Where’s Bernie’s taxes? Seems like a simple request since he said there isn’t anything in them since he isn’t wealthy. Hillary released 8 years worth of complete tax records. Could it be it will show he is quite chummy with Wall Street after all.


Why not presume to tell you what you think. You continually presume to think what everybody else thinks.

It’s purity trolls like you who turn people off to Bernie—and why he’s losing.

You sound exactly like the members of the Tea Party.


So according to that “logic” you’d vote for Trump or Cruz over Bernie.

Boy I thought it was pretty dumb when you were pushing Michael Bloomberg, but now it looks like you’ve gone “all in” on your Bernie-hatred.


I agree with you. It set a very bad precedent. I didn’t like the idea even when I liked and respected Sen. Sanders early on. (I have since lost any good will whatsoever I had for the man. I loathe the campaign that he is “running.”)

I’m always glad when Al Sharpton runs, or a Chris Dodd runs, or a Carole Moseley Braun runs, even a Jim Webb runs. They add texture to the Party and to the presidential campaign, and illuminate issues that normally wouldn’t make the spotlight if only left to the bigfoots. But they have all been loyal (or at least registered) Democrats.

Bernie’s just commandeered our hard-built infrastructure for his far-left agenda, for which he lacks the wherewithal to build on his own. Big mistake. I hope the Democratic Party never lets this happen again.


Hillary’s tax returns (and Bill’s) since 1992 are all available online.

The dog ate Bernie’s returns.


I use the word “sorry” all the time in contexts other than apologies. Paul Song’s tweet was not an apology. It was a double down. A ‘sorry not sorry’.

And his speech was prepared. This was not an off the cuff remark. You want to tell me Bernie’s staff didn’t review what those speakers were going to say in advance?

Sorry (not sorry) Bernie. You suck. I will walk over broken glass at this point to see Hillary Clinton humiliate you in every contest left to happen in this primary.


You’re certainly welcome to think that Bernie running as a third party candidate would have been far better for everyone. Why don’t you lead the crusade to convince him to do so? Hopefully, you’ll be a great success and we can all watch how it turns out.

And I don’t get the facade reference. You’re saying that people argued that having debate and competition in the Dem race was just a ruse to give people an excuse to complain that she pandered to the left and then shifted center for the general? WTF? Put down the box and step away from the tinfoil. Seriously. Your conspiracy thinking is just an elaborate way of telling me I don’t actually believe what I just said I believe and that I actually believe something else, something nefarious, totally irrational and bizarre. Sorry, but there’s no conspiracy. I stand by the idea that having Clinton and Sanders go at it was ultimately better than having Clinton look like an entitled princess, never get challenged, never show her chops, never have to answer hard questions, deal with her own or her opponent’s mistakes or show poise in the face of attack. Is the friction between the two candidates’ supporters an unfortunate counterbalance to that benefit? Yep, but that’s on us as their supporters as much or more than it’s on the candidates.

As I said, time’s past for big boy/girl pants here. She’s about to win, it’s almost impossible that Bernie can pull out an upset and there’s no reason for the debate to drift off into spiteful rancor just because shit got heated when the contest’s outcome was still less certain.


Of course he is going to lose, but you don’t seem interested in examining why he is doing so much better than he should. The answer is easy if you open your eyes. He is calling on the Democratic party to be the Democratic party and not a den of cowardly whores toeing the line for their corporate sponsors. Read the Salon article, it might open your closed mind.

Bernie Sanders has effectively lost the nomination at this point and his supporters are becoming more strident and ugly in their rhetoric. A lot of his supporters aren’t going to vote for Hillary Clinton anyway. So, frankly, I hope tonight she smacks the old coot upside the head and gives him a taste of his own medicine.