I believe I’ve already had this conversation with you, no? 10 pts. is my trigger. Of course, Illinois will not be that close, because it’s a liberal state with a large minority population. And if Illinois were to be that close, HRC would be in a lot more trouble than she appears to be now.
Well, Thanks! The wisdom you’ve shared will free up a lot of time for me!
You call it pragmatism, no doubt. I call it a lack of political imagination and initiative, as well as a conservative mindset borne of years of living among the well-off and comfortable.
No, we just had the I-can’t believe-you’re-voting-for-Stein discussion. 10 pts. seems reasonable.
In a normal year, with a generic D vs. a generic R, Illinois would go D by at least 10 pts. This year, with all the animus that Trump has stirred up among minorities and women, I suspect it will be higher. But there may be an enthusiasm gap, of which I am representative of a small group. More troubling for the Ds is a potential lack of enthusiasm for Clinton among the young and minorities. We’ll see.
While I would agree that there are differences between the older half of the millennial voters and the younger half, I don’t think that experiencing a poor entry-level job market is one of them. Millennials born after '92 would have been High School underclassman or younger when the Financial Crisis hit, while it was those Millennials born in the mid to late 80’s who were in position to be graduating into a collapsing job market. So older Millennials dealt with a poor job market due to the Recession directly, while younger Millennials have dealt with it more in the lingering aftereffects such as lack of openings due to people postponing retirement due to the Recession. In either case both groups have dealt with the problem of taking on debt to go to college, because they were told that was what they needed to do to get a job, only to have trouble finding good paying jobs afterward.
Okay, this leaked tape doesn’t seem to be working. But I think they’ve got Michelle Obama’s “whitey” tape ready to be released soon, any day now. Maybe that’s Wikileaks’ October Surprise?
The initial headlines made it sound like Clinton was mocking millennials but when you read what she actually said, she was really demonstrating an understanding of the trials they are facing. In short Hillary was right and the initial media reports were wrong. I am sorry for taking the media at its word yesterday. I know better and will try to do better in the future.
Thank you for this comment. In this particular election, i think it is far more important that the electorate votes against the threat that Trump poses to this nation. We need to solidly send the message that someone like Trump is absolutely unacceptable by voting against him by wide margins. If one wants to push Clinton towards one direction or the other after she is elected, it is up to that person to remain politically active. But to sit this one out or vote 3rd party because you don’t feel she paid sufficient lip service to your particular issue is dangerous this year. Especially because Clinton and Sanders agree on the main goals, but differ on how to achieve them (except gun control, where Sanders sides with the NRA more than Clinton does).
You’ll take the room we give you and be thankful for it!