Discussion for article #245443
Not going to change the results dramatically, so what’s the point?
I’m a Bernie supporter and I think this would be a mistake. Just move on, focus on the future, don’t pull a Bush/Gore.
If this were a winner take all situation, Sanders would have a point, but it’s not and this makes him look like a bitter loser instead of a gracious almost winner.
It doesn’t matter! They are each getting the same number of state delegates out of the caucuses.
Oh, so PUMA?
It’s almost as if…as if his judgment might be questionable.
Self inflicted wound.
NPR was going on about precincts where they tied but that precinct had an odd number of votes. So the left over vote was distributed by coin flip — all six of which fell Hillary’s way. Has to sting a bit but them’s the rules.
If his campaign had just let that percolate a bit he could have claimed a virtual win but this whining is ridiculous.
Not a good fit on Bernie.
I understand it would be a big deal for Bernie if he could claim a “win” in Iowa. That said, this recount thing is a bad idea that could ruin an almost win with what sounded like almost a victory speech.
“Did we win the popular vote?”
There is no “popular vote” in Iowa.
Just move on to New Hampshire, where all indications are you’ll clean HRC’s clock. Or even better, spend your time in South Carolina, which is going to be a much sterner test.
a large part of Bernard’s strategy is winning these caucuses (as Obama did), not coming in close second. a win for Hillary in Iowa and South Carolina keep the ghost of 2008 in the grave.
I have proof in my hand that those coins were supplied by Goldman Sachs. Draw your own conclusions.
“Popular Vote”? Uh…how does a sitting senator and his campaign team not know how a caucus state is decided?
See, that right there if I’m living in Iowa, that would piss me off. I do not live in the US but one thing I’ve learned from years and years of watching elections is that you don’t question the integrity of the voter, or in the case of a caucus you do not question the integrity of those counting the votes. Nothing is going to sink your support faster than questioning their ethics, especially in Iowa. I can understand questioning a voting machine, but these are all hand counts. So does he want a hand count mulligan??
There were a few things last night that came out of the Sanders camp that left a continuing bad taste in my mouth. This just adds to the flavor.
Perfect example of Sanders’ ego and lack of practical commitment to anything other than his own ego. A recount costs the party money and will not change in any meaningful way the delegate apportionment.
He is not a Democrat and, in an election where the US really needs a Democrat in the White House, his continued campaign does nothing but benefit Clinton’s critics and the GOP. There will be, in the next eight years, several seats to be filled on the SCOTUS, which has a direct and lasting effect on the social fabric of our country. Should these seats be filled with anyone other than a Democrat in the White House our country will go backwards - period.
Clinton is not a perfect candidate but Sanders has zero chance of winning the White House. He’s had his 15 minutes of glory, it is time for him to go back to VT, enjoy his last term in the Senate and stop trying to prove he knows more than anyone in the room, which is his decades-old reputation in the Senate.
The future of the country and of the Democratic Party may depend on what proportion of Sanders’’ followers believe you.
Agree. And to add two things:
He has raised a significant amount of money for his own campaign, and not one dime for down ballot Dems anywhere. That to me raises a flag as someone who claims they want to be the standard bearer…all for me, none for thee? And;
Regardless of the caucus count for delegates, HRC had all the Iowa Super Delegates wrapped up before caucuses began last night, so she adds an extra 4.
The ongoing petty stuff coming out of the Sanders camp by those who support and those who represent him really isn’t becoming. Yes, it’s very reminiscent of 2008 with HRC and both sides should be mindful of that appearance because boy howdy did it turn people off of her in that election.
On a personal note…I’m already missing President Obama.
Bernie is not calling for a recount. He says he wants the most information made public as possible. The Hillary spokesperson says this shows the determination of Hillaries supporters. As a Sanders supporter I’d wholeheartedly agree. With 30 to 40% of her supporters abandoning support for her and throwing in with a new to the national stage insurgent, old white guy candidate during the last 6 months, that’s not really the determination I’d think the Clinton spokesperson would be drawing attention to though.
That line voiced over a chart of Hillaries plummeting support from supposedly “determined” supporters is a write itself Sanders ad.
And also, the fact that we have not now nor haven’t ever seen popular vote numbers released by the parties in the Iowa caucus doesn’t mean “there is no popular vote” It simply means the parties either don’t count it or don’t release it- each caucus goer still chooses a candidate and that individuals choice is the input into the process. Who exactly wouldn’t want to know what that raw tally was and why?
Stay classy, Senator Sanders and Sec. of State Clinton. No real need for a recount here. You both did a really good job, as did your volunteers.