You have to print the actual quote in a story like this, without elision. Here it is:
“This is a serious question: do you not think that the American government and American Jewish community has a dual allegiance to the state of Israel? I’m asking not to rule out the history of this issue, but in the context in which this was said by Ilhan.”
So yes, what she’s saying there is problematic. She apparently thinks of American Jews as some sort of monolith on the issue of Israel. Unrelated to the quote, but it also drives me mad that a lot of people don’t seem to understand that “being Jewish” is not the same thing as “believing the religion of Judaism”.
Dual Allegiance is a smoke screen. The real issue is the Israeli government is hostile to genuine peace in the Middle East. It is following a few settlers who have an ever growing empire on their agenda and policies that do not value the lives of Muslims.
Evangelicals support Israel b/c of end-times prophecies – not out of love for Jews, who they still consider as condemned to Hell unless they convert.
Conservatives tend to think that Israel = Likud = AIPAC – and will always throw out charges of anti-Semitism regardless of whether its there or not when someone criticizes Israel or Bibi.
Some big hair on mom there. That’s not really Tucker is it?
BTW, I read in a previous post where you stated you were not a student of religion. I always thought you to be more a student of Scatotology, mostly of the bovine discipline.
If you need to attack people, it should be specific people for specific deeds; not an entire group based upon their supposedly evil motives. That goes doubly so if the group has been vilified that way historically.
I mean, I definitely think America is too pro-Israel, but that’s due to many different reasons, some of which go back to before Israel was created. And at this point, the biggest group in America pushing pro-Israel policies are evangelicals who promote Israel because they hate Muslims and/or think this will lead to the Rapture and return of Jesus once Israel gets destroyed or whatever. But I’m not going to accuse them of dual loyalty with God. I’ll just focus on what they do and say without guessing at their motives or loyalties.
When I first lived and worked in AL I would come into the office every Friday afternoon to make sure my deals were moving through the pipeline. And I always bought three servings (three office people) of Biscuits & Gravy from Bojangles (Friday special). They ate it like it was their last meal and couldn’t thank me enough.
Dual allegiance was brought up by the people purporting to object to those policies. If they had stated their case as you stated it there would have been no smoke.
Interesting to see some try to deflect attention from the anti-Semitic comments of Bernie’s spokesperson to a discussion of “evangelicals” … there are plenty of legitimate criticisms of evangelicals, but they aren’t relevant to this story.
Hi - would you consider taking the photo down? They may actually be / have been a nice family.
The following comment is unrelated to the previous question. I’m a convert to Reform Judaism, so the topic is something I’ve actually been confronted with …