Discussion: Sanders Campaign Looks To Address Electability Questions Head-On

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Bernie Sanders’ campaign is clear-eyed that beating President Trump is the biggest issue Democrats care about as they size up the 2020 field

Yes, Democrats like me are looking for a Democrat to lead our ticket. Which party did St. Bernard just file his senate paperwork under again?

If it comes down to Talcum X or BLOTUS, I’ll vote for Bernie. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.


If he wants to be taken seriously maybe this time his campaign could explain how they will pay for free college for all and expansion of healthcare. If he can’t do that, then he isn’t serious as a candidate.


Can his campaign name ONE of his issues for which he has EVER been able to successfully pass legislation during his numerous years in the Senate? Given has absolutely abysmal record as a Senator, why in heaven’s name do his followers think he could accomplish anything as President, especially given his notorious lack of support for Democrats who he would need to support him?


Yup, Sanders line is:

(1) Trump got away without releasing his taxes, so I don’t have to release mine, and
(2) Trump got away with pussy grabbing, so lets not talk about my rather weird writings about teen age girls having sex with… No one will care.
(3) and your taxes? Who cares, you are gonna get free health care from the Government! If Trump could get away with swearing Mexico would pay for the wall, I can claim that none of what I am promising will cost a thing…

Yup, as Electable as Trump is right? Nothing could possibly go wrong.

About the only good thing I can say about Sander’s elect ability is that he is smart enough to know that telling white folks in PA/MI/WI (and FL) that you are going to take money from white folks, and give it as “reparations” for slavery is a sure fire way to reelect Trump. I wish others on the left has this much of a clue.


Ooh. Sweet. Another opportunity to come in here and crap all over Senator Sanders…the way he craps in his adult diapers. I live for these moments.


Sanders is the political equivalent of Green Book. He not only accompanied Dr. King on the march from Selma to Montgomery…he gave him the idea for the I Have A Dream speech!


The biggest challenge for the Bernie camp is to toot the Bernie horn while refraining from knee-jerk pillorying of competing Democrats.


Another opportunity to come in here and crap all over Senator Sanders…the way he craps in his adult diapers. I live for these moments.

Well, I guess that all Depends! Bernie is always so Pampered by his fanboys. They just Luvs the Bern!

I can’t believe you left that opening for me, John. I expect a rimshot in return at least, sir!


Yeah, I’m not all that keen on treating the Presidency as some kind of lofty Chief Ideas Officer. Among a variety of other issues, Senator Sanders has an uphill climb to convince me he could effectively conduct the day-to-day tasks of the office.


While I’m not nearly as cynical as you are, I do so look forward to your Bernie comments.


The idea of “electability” is a perception that really isn’t possible to assign conclusively until there is actually an election, and then it is too late if the answer turns out to be “no.”


What a shitty comment …


I once would have said “you can’t show you’re electable, but you can certainly show you’re unelectable”.

I certainly don’t think Democrats are as vulnerable to a hostile parasitic takeover as was the 2016 GOP, but I’ve learned to be a little more equivocal in my views.


He’ll aspirationally fix climate change and provide Medicare for all while eliminating student debt and provide free college. Two, maybe three good, well attended speeches ought to do it.


Let’s talk about electability after you release those tax returns, m’kay?


And therein lies the rub. If he failed this hard working with his fellow senators to pass meaningful legislation for his policies, how will this likely change as President? Being an ideologue is not the same as being a legislator, an implementer or an effective President.


In the end, we each get to speak only for one vote, namely our own. Too often “unelectable” is just a label we throw on people we would prefer didn’t make the final list. It doesn’t mean anything. If there were any justice or reason in the world, Donald Trump should have been unelectable in 2016, and yet here we are.


Is there a bird involved? No bird, no sale. A man has to have his limits.


It’s there … as evidenced by it’s opposites —

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