She has vowed to rid the sidewalks of homeless tent camps within a year of taking office.
And she’s going to be a mayor for all of San Francisco?
There is a tiny chance that she intends to get rid of homeless tent camps by making something better available. That’s what I’m going to hope for a little while longer, at least.
Perhaps, but the wording, “to rid the sidewalks of homeless tent camps within one year,” leaves me skeptical. I mean what sort of humane solution can be designed and implemented in a year? Also, the new mayor’s rhetoric about growing up poor and ascending to the mayor’s office reminds me of Horatio Alger.
I really dislike it when people say, in one way or another, if I can do it, anybody can do it. We are not all the same. Obviously, Madame mayor is very intelligent and ambitious–nothing wrong with that until one judges others of lesser intelligence and/or ambition.
And what did H.D. Thoreau say about marching to the beat of one’s own drum? H.D. Thoreau would be pilloried today.