Discussion: Salvation Army Uses Viral Battle Over Dress Color To Address Domestic Abuse

Discussion for article #234046

While the Salvation Army is not my charity of choice, that is a really good ad campaign.


Whoa – Kudos to the Salvation Army with respects to helping to draw attention to domestic abuse.

I have not always supported the SA’s stances with regards to the LGBTQ community, but I’ll certainly give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Salvation Army.


My thoughts, exactly. Let’s hope this is used by the Salvation Army in the USA as well as South Africa.


They may not be as progressive as some may like, but the Salvation Army is a true Christian church.


" some people saw a dress posted to social media as blue and black while others saw it as white and gold. "

Wait…wut huh? How does??? More 'splaniin please…

Where on Earth have you been?

For the record, I say white and gold, but my wife saw black and blue. Weird.


Here’s the thing about the Salvation Army, at least as they operate locally. I had a lot of contact with them when I spent a couple of years working on a project re: housing homeless veterans with a local NPO. They may have & state their own religious ideas but I never once saw or heard of them refusing help because of sexual orientation or religious belief or even asking recipients about it. While I think their position on LGBT matters is wrong, they don’t require anybody else to adopt it. I still give them some occasional monetary support because they are doing work around here that is more important than their or my theological beliefs.

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I do not support them, and it hurts me. I understand that they do good work, except not hiring people based on their sexual orientation is no less wrong than not hiring people based on their skin color. It’s that simple to me.

Here in NY State it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. I forget sometimes that there are benighted states where it is permitted.

Here in Illinois you can’t discriminate in hiring based on sexual orientation, but I believe the SA has a religious exemption.

In the most ambiguous pic I saw, I saw light blue and gold … I felt special! LOL

I kind of see a bluish white and dark brown pattern with lighter and darker areas…I mean, I can see how some would go one way and others would go the other way, but (no pun intended) it seems like a gray area, not a dichotomy to me…and you can tell the lighting in the photo is off and not natural, like filtered somehow

but yeah, fun video…they kept showing the dress lady’s bum

Also too…aren’t we supposed to come up with funny inappropriate answers to the question? like

“Why is it so hard to see black and blue?”

Because all I can hear is her talking back?

Errrrrm, ummmm…well, maybe not my best work…

I saw pastel blue and black but I could make the strength of the blue change by how I slanted the screen.

Actual Church related positions are usually exempt. The preacher, liturgical or religious ed personnel, ok, the guy who sweeps up the place, not. Since some of their social workers, housing specialists, etc. that I have met are not members of the congregation I’d say they do not apply a religious test. And they have not, like the RC Church, said well, we just won’t do any charity work if you won’t let us discriminate. Since they also get state & federal funds for some of their programming, I don’t think their non-religious positions can have any religious test applied.