Discussion: Sally Yates Was 'Not Happy' About The FBI's Move To Interview Mike Flynn

I have not read anywhere in all the reporting on this on why Yates was ā€œnot happyā€ that the interview was going to occur?

Any thoughts on why she was not happy about questioning Flynn?


So what?

Monty made a disastrous move in Market Garden. No one thought he was working for the oppositionā€“or that he was acting illegallyā€“or that he was incompetentā€“or that he was not acting in the best interests of the Allies.

Sharpening the pencil is going to be an item going forward.

Drumpf will take whatever help he can getā€¦

This Republic of ours. This is the shot it gets to survive. It will be unpleasant going forward but those are the breaks.


Ok, why?

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Huh? Strzok knew the contents of the calls and reaches the impression that Flynn is not lying when Flynn reported falsely about the content of those calls?

When somebody tells you something which is counter factual and does not ā€˜appearā€™ to be lying, isnā€™t the correct deduction not that the guy is innocent or thinks he is but rather that the guy is skilled liar?


My guess would be she either would have preferred for Flynn to have a lawyer present for legal admissibility later, should the need arise, or she would have liked to delay to see if Flynn would incriminate himself further. This could also be about turf wars in the DOJ. No one likes anyone doing things behind their back, and Comey instructing his agents to interview the NSA is a presumptuous move without first getting the acting Attorney Generalā€™s okay.


OT Mick Mulvaney COS


Please donā€™t let redactedā€™s last name be Pull.

Excuse my Density, but, what is the point of this article? What are we to conclude? Does it matter that she was unhappy?


Makes things EXCITING.

Drumpf is also Not Happyā€¦but, then, we already knew that.

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What I gather is that Yates was not pleased about Comeyā€™s failure to inform the DOJ about his plans to interview Flynn until the last minute. Comey previously took it upon himself to announce at the end of the Clinton email investigation that the FBI found no reason to indict Clinton. The norm would have been for AG Lynch to make the announcement.


There could be a lot of tactical reasons to delay the interview. Iā€™m not sure I would want Comey watching my back.


Wait, wait waitā€¦ the people Comey disrespected in his professional capacity are named Loretta, Sally, Mary and Hillary? Well isnā€™t that special?


Itā€™s not OK for law enforcement officials to break or bend the law?

Why do you think this is OK?

Senator Hatch, are you there?


Comey violated DOJ procedures and policies. Thatā€™s not something the FBI Director ought to do.


I read in a different article on the topic that Flynn was advised to have a lawyer present. So why didnā€™t Flynn tell the truth to the FBI? Since it is generally understood that lying to the FBI is a crime, why does he argue entrapment?. He trapped himself. No surprise here. He acted like a wild man during the campaign.


Comey (R-Obama Appointee) was a clearly a highly-partisan FBI Director.

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I have a confession. My real name is šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«šŸ€«


At least he didnā€™t do it repeatedly.

Oh, waitā€¦


And, after the Trump Crime Syndicate have all been adjudicated and are snugly ensconced in prisons, I hope to see Comey have some kind of come-uppance himself. Getting fired by Trump is a badge of honor, so that doesnā€™t count. Heā€™s always been one of those guys who maybe has the best intentions but somehow always manages to construct drama about him (hospital visits during Wā€™s reign come to mind) and I will always believe he was more instrumental than any other person in dooming HRCā€™s chances for the presidency. I doubt he did anything illegal, I just want him to always remembered for his volatile and extra-curricular scenarios, which have always seemed to be for his own aggrandizement.