Discussion: Sacramento Mayor Praises Ark. Gov. For Sending Bill Back To Legislature

Discussion for article #234918

I’m sorry, but if he had any real cajones, he would have just vetoed the blasted thing.


…but the Teanderthals who wrote the bill in the first place would override his veto.

As with a recent local anti-discrimination bill AH let the bill languish on his desk without signing –
it became law.

AH placated Walmart by sending bill back to legislature…

Not holding my breath for ethics to suddenly dissipate the redness of AR… which has been blue until recently.

Huge Koch influx of money contributed to the demise.


And of course the Arkansas governor can say it wasn’t him that did it, he wanted it changed but the legislators overruled him.
If he is secretly for this bill, it’s a win/win for him because he (and by default his state) won’t get the blame.


This is movement in the right direction but acting as if a documented sexual predator, GOP operative and overall opportunist like Johnson praising any participant in this latest wave of ORCHESTRATED NATIONWIDE state GOP legislative maneuvers is meaningful just helps hide what is really going on.
Do you really think it is a coincidence that multiple red states are pushing the same legislation through at the same time? How about a story on who is behind that?

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If memory serves the Federal law deals exclusively with government actions and can be used as a shield. The Indiana law also covers disputes between individuals It can be used as a sword or a shield. The Indiana law clearly includes corporations as people too. Just about any damn thing can be a religious belief.

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