Discussion: Ryan: Trump's Termination Of DACA Program 'Fulfills A Promise' He Made

What about that promise for better healthcare that covers everybody at a cheaper price? Still waiting…

And Javanka was going to solve the opiod crisis in the Middle East, too, between ski vacations and influence-peddling. Still waiting…

So many promises. Even so, America does Grate Again with the GOP seemingly in charge.


Well, put Speaker Ryan! You are a truly compassionate conservative!

I’m sure some valedictorian who’ll soon be dumped among strangers in a foreign land (rather than learning Godless crap at Stanford or Yale) will agree that it’s wonderful that she and thousands of others will get to sacrifice their lives “to restore [an inconsistent interpretation of] the proper role of the executive and legislative branches.”

Your compassion for your transparently partisan, selective reading of the Constitution shows that you, sir, are a true humanitarian!


Once again the speaker demonstrates the courage of his convictions.


Fuck you, Eddie Munster. Spot too…


It’s your “hope”? You’re the fucking Speaker of the House, you piece of shit. Do your job or quit.


"restore the proper role of the executive and legislative branches,”
Says the hypocrite who had his hand out for Uncle Sugar’s money the first chance he got and hasn’t stopped sucking it up since.
Oh, I forgot the Wiener Mobile!


Can’t quit until he at least lowers taxes for his benefactors: the fking Koch Birchers of Wichita


“Ending this program fulfills a promise that President Trump made to restore the proper role of the executive and legislative branches,” Ryan said in a statement.

Questionable whether Trump or Ryan know what the proper roles are.


Alternate Headline: Coward Mimics Fellow Coward


Donald Trump is fulfilling his promise to the American people to continually cause problems, create unnecessary drama and stir up trouble whenever possible in order to turn the USA into a perpetual reality TV show.

As Trump stated in numerous speeches last year:

It won’t matter if I ruin all of your lives because you’ll be so entertained by the stupid melodrama I create, you’ll never notice.


Well, for once I agree with Paul Ryan.

The Republican-dominated legislature has had two or three Presidencies now to do something meaningful and permanent about immigration reform.

The fact that they haven’t done anything so far might lead a more cynical person to imagine that they never will, and that this is all just some sort of elaborate, orchestrated plot to soften the blow when English-speaking college grads are rounded up in the middle of the night and shuttled off to a country they’ve never even been to and are dropped off with no place to live and nowhere to go. This will be documented in the media and online, and to even the most heartless Republican, something will not be quite right about the whole thing. When this looks really, really bad for our country, these profiles in cowardice will be able to point the finger at each other and say: “But it’s all their fault.”

So, I agree with the so-called Speaker of the House that the legislative branch should have done something about immigration reform going all the way back to the Bush administration. But if they can’t do it now, after all these years, without the ‘leadership’ of President Trump, then I have little hope for them, our legislature, and frankly at this point, our country.

Give me your tired, your poor. You can keep the Republicans.


“Ending this program fulfills a promise that President Trump made to" fuck everything up.
FIFY muppet face.


Has there ever been such a weak feckless,cowardly unctuous Fucker as Mr. Ryan?Makes me long for the days of John Boehner and the illusion that something decent would come from the HOR …


Note to Plutocrat Pauly: fulfilling your promise to behave like a white nationalist, smoke-and-mirrors-credit-stealing douche is not laudable.

Watch the legerdemain engaged in by Faux News and Breitbart, et al., as this goes forward. They will absolutely be tooting the GOP’s horn and pretending 800K Dreamers owe the GOP something…and I"ll bet you dollars to donuts that when it doesn’t work all that well, we’ll get treated to some Teatroll jackass expressing frustration with how “ungrateful” the Dreamers are…just like all them black folks who vote Dem instead of thanking Lincoln every day with loyalty to the GOP.


Ryan’s wet dream is to gut Medicaid, but deporting 800,000 children and young adults will do just fine in the meantime.


Ok, Trump has “restore(d) the proper role of the legislative and executive branches.” Now wipe that smirk off your face and do something, you miserable excuse for a human being.


That photo is just so fitting I’m having hard time keeping myself from kicking my PC screen.


Good post. To me, they’re just another bunch of sadists throwing a bone to their much-proclaimed “base,” a bunch of yahoos who think immigrants are eating their lunch.

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