The jackals have their noses in the air and smell blood in the wind.
Except for the Koolaid drinking true believers, the rest will, one by one, move over into the “well, I always had my doubts” group. Ryan is starting to signal that the exodus can start.
Ryan said Thursday that the appointment of a special counsel “helps assure people and the Justice Department that they’re going to go do their jobs independently and thoroughly.”
That’s because Congress refused to their job when they appointed Sessions. I hope that little tape of McCarthy and Ryan gets a lot more attention these next few weeks, they deserve to go down on Trump’s ship along with all the other traitors.
Eddie is under the misapprehension that he still matters.
I can easily imagine the entire repube congressional caucus (Senate and House) is massively hung over from last night’s required binge drinking, which was needed to just be able to sleep
talk about a need to send out resumes, I would venture to guess that there was something just short of 290 X (whatever the number of staff each repube congress critter employs) have been deluging Starbucks franchises this morning
oh yeah, in my opinion, Ryan is a fucking asshole
Ryan delenda est.
McConnell, too.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday [May 10] rejected calls for an independent commission and special prosecutor. “I don’t think that’s a good idea” Ryan said on Fox News.
He may be a climate change denier but he still believes in weather vanes.
If Trump,Pence and Ryan go down,who is next in line?
Thank you, Captain Obvious. This guy should be a kite, because he always flies with the prevailing wind. Dear voters of Wisconsin, please don’t re-elect this creep.
Apparently it’s Orrin Hatch (President Pro Tem of the Senate.) Our alternatives keep getting worse. (Tillerson is up after Hatch.)
The timing of the Special Counsel Mueller by Rod Rosenstein is very interesting. I am wondering whether it was announced before Trump selected his FBI minion and to preempt influence by said minion. Many people are saying that the FBI appointment was delayed because was waiting for approval by First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump and Supreme Commander of Joint Chiefs of Staff Cuck Kushner.
It’s not the totally unnecessary and borderline-traitorous behavior that it was a week ago.
Hopefully it will be after the 2018 elections and we will have a new speaker
I heard somewhere that First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump is livid and out of control since Mike Penice and his wife were spotted at upscale Washington DC home furnishing stores picking out drapes.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, here. Do you remember how Gerald Ford became president?
The good news:
Hatch would achieve very close to 0% unemployment in the US.
The bad news:
We’d all be “employed” in MLM organizations peddling dubious supplements and treatments (all covered without a copay under Hatchcare).
House Speaker Paul Ryan has set a Google News alert to notify him of the instant that Donald Trump becomes unpopular enough to turn against, Ryan revealed on Thursday.
Gotta love Andy Borowitz.
This is the the Irish Catholic undertaker putting an imprimatur on the investigation. He’s sanctioning it and approving it.
Google tells me that the Democratic House Speaker Carl Albert gave Nixon no choice but to pick Ford. There was also talk of John Connelly, Reagan, Rockefeller, and others but Albert told Nixon it had to be Ford who’d been in the House for 25 years.