Trump is trying to get Ryan primaried. Just like Bannon and Mercer want.
Bizarre use of political capital on Ryan’s part, or a recognition that he does not have any political capital, but might as well try to play the loyalty card?
Leaks, leak, leaks…
But anyway, take Trump out on the equation, Price had been in office for eight months and the only thing he had to show was embarrassing traveling expenses. That pretty much gets you fired everywhere.
Schmucks of a feather stick together, in the Trump swamp.
I would love to see it , even if there is not much hope for a Dem in his district
It was 65R/30D /5 Ind last time
District is gerrymandered to shit
Maybe more had to do with GA-06 being such a pain-in-the-ass for the GOP to retain in the special election when Price was just as corrupt (pharma trading) in January and could’ve just kept his seat. $20M+ (+ two trips by Pence) to play defense because of Price’s eight-month tenure isn’t great optics for GOP donors.
Ryan’s praise for Price is wholly untrue rendering him an apologist and corrupt.
“Public servant”
Eat me, you spineless weasel.
I know it’s petty, but something about this photo is causing me to go on a rant. What is it, with “high government officials” these days that makes them constantly carry the adult equivalent of a fucking sippy cup?
Can anyone remember seeing Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Tip O’Neill, Bankhead, Sam Rayburn or other “greats” ever carry one?
You are fucking 2nd in line in the Presidential Succession. How about, if you really need your coffee fix, you wait until you get to where you are fucking going and ask a staffer for a cup?
Per Julia Sugarbaker:
"JULIA: Alright!! That’s it. This is not a whore house, this is my house. And I’ve had all I’m gonna take of you. You don’t care about history, you just want to sell it. You don’t even sell it honestly. You just want to sell the myth…the myth of the Old South. You all know that myth, don’t ya? Happy darkies singing in the field while Miss Scarlet primps around throwing hissy fits. Well that’s an insult. It isn’t the South. It’s an insult to all the people who lived and died here not so very long ago. We Southerners have had to endure many things. But one thing we Southerners don’t have to endure is a bunch of bored housewives turning historical homes into theme parks, not to mention ill-mannered tourists with their Big Gulps, Mysties, Slurpees, and Frosties, their dirty feet overflowing rubber thongs, and babies who sneeze fudgecicle juice! Out!! Out of my house!! As God is my witness…I will burn it down myself before I let you in again!!
If ever there’s proof that RAyn is ethically-challenged, this has got to be it. Its also one of the main reasons nothing will ever come of any of these investigations in the House as long as he’s in charge. Beyond the committee level, he’s been like Nunes running interference. If anyone believes he’ll allow impeachment proceedings to occur under his leadership, they’re deluding themselves. It won’t matter how bad this administration fucks up the country and destroys gov’t as we know it…RAyn is part of the equation that has been working to rip apart the social safety net that has protected the most vulnerable in this country. He does it all for partisan political gain and the money he gets from his donors. No matter how outstandingly bad Representatives in his own party behave, he’ll be right by their side, protecting them from facing the consequences of their actions. Same goes for that Orange Fucker that lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Monday through Fridays.
Do these people never look in the mirror? What does Ryan see each morning?
This is another reminder that the major question to be answered is what happened to the Republican Party? Ornstein, Mann, and now Dionne, date it all from the arrival of Gingrich in Washington, with his extreme attacks on the Democrats, his tapes teaching down ballot candidates to revile their opponents, and so on. But as awful as he is, and as verbal, Gingrich isn’t that potent on his own. What happened? And when? Goldwater? Reagan? I really don’t know, and don’t know what to look at to answer the question. Do we need to get below the political stratum and look at social change? Or do we get more clarity by sticking to politics, including financing, districting, the great sort, and so on. I would appreciate any suggestions on how even to begin the analysis. John Judis? Josh Marshall? You people have brains and the knowledge. Thanks.
Birds of a feather.
Yes, Price spent his entire career helping others…other millionaires. He spent his time at HHS gutting and undermining Obamacare.
How is it possible that someone could get elected on the backs of middle class voters when he’s trying to pass a massive tax cut for the top 1% (and mostly top .1%)? How can he run as some deficit hawk and fiscal conservative while defending a $1,000,000 misuse of taxpayer funds?
I honestly don’t know what is wrong with Republican voters. How can voting “pro-life” mean so much, when it doesn’t even do anything in the face of Roe v. Wade?
Both members of the Secret Malevolent Society of Bad Ties. They look out for one another.
Brody brings up good points. Might also not be out of the question that Price has something on ol’ Paulie. Who knows, maybe the ol’ Granny-Starver isn’t quite so clean as some would have us believe.
“Tom Price is a good man. He has spent his entire adult life fighting for others, first as a physician and then as a legislator and public servant,” Ryan said in the statement.
Paul Ryan is not. He is an irredeemable, grasping piece of crap. And those are his good points!
Those folks all raise strong points, but you’d have to look closely at the “fair and balanced” doctrine, which has decimated the MSM while helping pave the way for hate radio, Sinclair and Fox News.
And of course it’s been on a steroid accelerant since the SCt gifted us Citizens United.
He has spent his entire adult life fighting for billionaires.
I fixed that for ya, Paulie.
“Tom Price is a good man. He has spent his entire adult life fighting for others, first as a physician and then as a legislator and public servant,” Ryan said in the statement.
Liar, liar, pants on fire!
Every time you think Ryan can’t get more loathsome, he does.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) reportedly made a plea to reconsider the decision to fire Price.
My thoughts and prayers are with Ryan that he continue to be so influential.