Discussion: Ryan: People With Pre-Existing Conditions Are 'Better Off' With GOP Plan

If better off means sky-rocketing premiums, then you’re right, Eddie Ryan.


Also, the check is in the mail.


There is literally no lie he will not tell.


No one is buying this, but thanks for bringing it up again. Dems will make sure people remember this in November, 2018.


I sense a desperate plea from a man who knows he needs some major legislation soon or else he’s never getting it. The next few years will haunt Ryan forever


Caribou Barbie was ahead of her time, in predicting Death Panels. But she had the wrong party involved…


Well, $0 premiums are better than $any premiums if you ignore the suffering and death part.


”That’s not very good to have just a monopoly giving you health insurance.”

55 million Americans on Medicare kinda disagree.


I’m surprised Jason “Weaselface” Chaffetz didn’t shoot himself in both feet to avoid having to vote for this epic GOP trainwreck…


“People will be better off with pre-existing conditions under our plan,” Ryan said. “That’s the whole goal, is to make it easier for people — the problem with Obamacare is people get one choice, at best, in a third of all the counties in America. Five states, you’ve got one plan to choose from.

So how many choices do you have with a high risk pool???


You beat me to it. I was just thinking about the new death panels and there it is.

Trump looks quite elderly and diminished in that picture.

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I would bet that no one in the Ryan household has a pre-existing condition like juvenile diabetes or cancer. If any of his three children or his wife had a pre-existing condition, I don’t believe he would have the same faith in a high risk pool. This strikes me as mendacity,or total ignorance ,or propaganda.From my experience as a father with a child with a life-long pre-existing condition, I feel confident in saying a Ryan/Trump/Meadows Lack of Care plan will not serve people with a pre-existing condition as well as The Affordable Care Act.


Dear TPM – How about providing some context? You repeat right-wing talking points pretty much verbatim, without any context or criticism. I have to read the comments to find Information that should have been provided in the article.

I know you guys report on what you watched on TV or read somewhere else, which I can do myself. If you actually provided some insight into the Republican Talking Points that you repeat, you could improve your reporting.


By The Numbers: Wisconsin’s High Risk Pool
By Shamane Mills, Wisconsin Public Radio February 27, 2012

But in Wisconsin … The number of people who have signed up are far fewer than expected, but the costs of their health care per person has been about double what was projected.

Ryan, this is totally absurd. Repealing communiity rating means people with pre-existing people pay more. High risk pools in practice do not work.



"Five states, you’ve got one plan to choose from. That’s not very good to have just a monopoly giving you health insurance.”

And how does this proposal to screw people change that? It doesn’t. Those states are all small rural states with very few potential customers for insurance companies.

That is the Republican’s vaunted “free market” at work. No customers, don’t do business in the state.


They exempted members of congress remember.


“People will be better off with pre-existing conditions under our plan,” Ryan said.

“…particularly if they live in a red state. I’m pretty sure they’re all going to eliminate coverage for pre-existing conditions as soon as the ink is dry on this bill. After that, these people can die quickly, and we can all be happy that they didn’t suffer…or run up huge medical bills.”


In Texas, never mind having an insurance plan available. There are 35 counties that don’t even have a doctor!

Everyone that fits into the category of having a 're-existing condition  and  that  currently have  ACA insurance will not believe a word that this nonsense.    Many have been there and done that via Emergency Room visits- the most expensive healthcare.     The otther bs. is the 63 day window, because of all the available 'well-paying" jobs...NOT.
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