Discussion: Ryan Papers Over GOP Divisions In RNC Speech: Those Are Just 'Signs Of Life'

Did he mention the nominee’s massive insult to the City of Cleveland by fleeing back to Trump Tower’s immaculate, non hoi polloi-tainted sheets and Tower Grill Taco Salads?

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What’s struck me in all the coverage going on is how brazenly the Republicans are saying things that just aren’t true. I mean, it really has gotten to the point that facts don’t matter, and I have seen little pushback from the media. Sure, you expect some polishing, and some ignoring of facts, but this is way beyond that…and it scares me to think that the Republicans would rule the country this way.


Signs of life? Does he mean like the venting of gases from a lifeless corpse?

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It’s a fact-free, gun-free, tennis ball-free zone.

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Ryan also papers over the obsessive and persistent obstruction that Repugs in the House and Senate have engaged in for the past seven plus years! Had the “holier than thou” stewards of conservatism found a way to overcome their collective hatred of the n*#@*r in the White House, our economic recovery would have reached a far better stage than where we are now. Any claim by Ryan that his party has any interest in working to benefit the American people ios an absolute sham!


The answer to the trivia questiion, “which Party supports the notion that everyone is created equal?” can be found by looking at who shows up at the convention.


Someone should remind Carson that Thomas Jefferson was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.

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Calling Ryan’s performance lackluster would be an insult to diffidence.


“Real social progress is always a widening of the circle of concern and protection,” Ryan said. “Everyone is equal… everyone has a place… no one is written off, because there is worth and goodness in every life.”
Except if you’re brown or black
Except if you are a woman who wants to be paid the same as her male co-worker
Except if any letter in the LBGTQ
Except if not a Wall Street, inherited money, “job creator”
Except if you’re a kid whose family qualifies for a free lunch
Except if your job doesn’t offer health insurance
Except if your religion is not Christian ( and even some of those quasi Christians we’re not sure about)

Well I could go on but you guys get the drift.


“Signs of life.”

You built that.



The media is in their box wherein saying the educated, professional and clearly obvious thing is construed as political. Trump’s crazy statements force the media into this box where any correction can be spun as political…see Melania speech…and few have shown the cajones to smash the cardboard.

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You know your party is dying when you assure everyone there are signs of life.

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“Signs of life?” More like the stench of the rotting corpse of the Grand Old Party.

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