God in his majesty has given all of us the same freedoms: each of us can choose to live in Trump Tower, or pay for health insurance.
“I can’t answer that question. It’s up to people,” Ryan said. “People are going to do what they want to do with their lives.”
Is it me or has this guy found yet another higher gear in the Biggest Asshole in Washington machine?
Holy crap is Ryan really this bloody stupid?
Why the media fawns over this heartless bastard, this slick liar…I’ll never understand.
I have decided that I do not want to have cancer.
Wow, Paul! That was so easy! Thanks!!!
It’s not a government mandate, so fewer people will get insurance…but, doesn’t that go against the idea of making a better, more affordable program that people will want to use? That’s what they say they are doing, so coverage should go up, not down. Right there, you can see the hypocrisy of the Republicans…Ryan is just making whatever excuse he can because he knows the program won’t make insurance better, that people will drop out because they can’t afford it, and that predatory policies will come about that don’t cover people when they need it. And, it’s all being done to cut taxes and make the government weaker.
I sincerely hope that people who are about to be screwed over (which is mainly Trump supporters) pay attention and stand up against this…if they just go along, they are in for a big shock, and chaos will ensue. If they decide to stand against the Republicans, it might actually be a first step back to sanity for the party.
Oh, gosh, that’s freedom, another word for nothing left to lose. I’d also take issue with the number of people involved in this bit of truthiness: if we don’t keep our word to the people who sent us here. Twenty million people would disagree.
@pshah Charts, graphs, coherent sentences, blue eyes, muscles. He’s The (w)Hole Package
Yep, he doesn’t even try to hide that he’s sociopath.
“I can’t answer that question. It’s up to people,” Ryan said. “People are going to do what they want to do with their lives.”
Hey man, if people want to die in pain and suffering, thats on them. That’s the beauty of freedom
Stupid, delusional, or cynically opportunistic… The GOP is painting themselves into a corner with this. They’re either unable to understand that there are people in the world who can’t afford healthcare on their own… or they’re going all in on the idea that the voters are too stupid to recognize the difference…
[quote=“mantan, post:9, topic:52864, full:true”]
A little push and then it’s up to the individual…
[/quote]If you wanted to live, you would have learned how to fly.
Paul Ryan is what Ted Bundy would have been like as a Congressman—except Bundy could fake likeability better.
Voters? Maybe, possibly. Supporters? Never. The black guy did it.
Conservative Financial Incentive Care.
Popularly known as CFI Care.
When people are uninsured, everyone else subsidizes their healthcare, unless we’re going to start turning people away from Emergency Rooms.
So, Ryan, Fuck You, from all of us who pay our premiums regularly. I shouldn’t have to pay more for my insurance because someone else chooses to not get covered.
Ryan and the GOP will cause a lot of illness outcomes of idiotpathic etiology.
If Ryan were Jeffrey Dahmer, he would have eaten Jason Chaffetz, so there is that.
It’s up to the people to choose if they want to feed their children or buy health insurance. Ryan is a fucking pig.