Discussion: Ryan Camp On Trump's Non-Support: We've Never Asked For An Endorsement

Eddie never requested the “kiss of death”? WTF was he thinking?


Two sociopaths playing games.


Frankly Paul, it’s better you don’t ride his coattails.


Suck it up. Your party nominated a loser.


This is the party you helped create, Pauly. If Drumpf doesn’t defeat you in the primary, Drumpf can tell his minions to vote against you in the general. You may want to start pricing movers.


“It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham.”


Drumpf minions


Oh my! Ryan is growing his Muslim beard back. What on earth is behind that move?


I hope The Rump takes it on a case-by-case basis, delivering whichever’s more toxic to each individual Republican. For some, maximum toxicity may still be achieved by the insult comic routine which carried Rump through the primary. For others, his ringing, bear-hug endorsement might well be more radioactive.


Crazy tall blond guy causes trouble:


Just so it’s clear

The Speaker is somewhat disavowing his party’s presidential nominee.

I wonder how Lewis Carroll would handle this year


Somewhat OT But I’m in the middle of Ratfucked. I would recommend. I think it does a pretty good job of explaining how we got here. New Yorker review http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/06/27/ratfcked-the-influence-of-redistricting


Hmmm I wonder if its a good idea to piss of the guy who is right now thinking about whether un-endorsing you may be the way to go.


More like what Bob Dole said when he saw a picture of Presidents Carter, Ford and Nixon:

“Hear No Evil,” “See No Evil,” and “EVIL”


Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and John McCain each made a cruel and immoral calculation in trying to disassociate themselves with the TrumpStench, and are finding out it isn’t working. The stink of their association with Donald Trump will cling to them like tar until the day they die.

John McCain made a cruel, and immoral calculation before he issued this supposed “slam” of Donald Trump, half a week after Trump’s dreadful attack on Ghazala Khan. When you watch Mr Khan’s original speech, Mrs Khan was crying. She didn’t say one word either to or about Trump. Trump chose to attack her, instead of her husband, because he is nothing more than a cowardly, school yard bully. Bullies always go after whoever they perceive as weak, and who they suspect won’t fight back.

McCain is in a tight race for re-election, in a state with a large Hispanic-origin population, most of which has tied him to the racist, bigoted party standard bearer and a significant number of right wing fundamentalist Christians, who are all about hate, religious, racial, and gender bigotry, and homophobia. McCain tried to have it both ways, but at least called Trump out for what he was, before saying, later the same day, that of course he’d vote for him.

The calculation went like this

  1. Number of votes to be lost by condemning the party standard bearer over this outrageous act, of which this was the latest, but will not be the last

  2. Number of votes to be lost by remaining silent and continuing to endorse the racist, bigoted standard bearer

The calculation showed the answers were identical, at least among what passes for Republicans.

Thus, McCain issued that condemnatory message, but the same day said he would vote for Trump anyway. Somehow, McCain, who has forfeited not just his soul, but has soiled himself with a stench that will stick to him like tar until the day he dies, imagines he’ll get away with it.

Ryan and McConnell made the same calculation, but their statements were much more nuanced, meaning they tried to fog the electorate, which they clearly believes lacks the mental capacity to see what they’re doing. Trump voters may be misled, but they aren’t stupid. Especially when their hero points out their apparent perfidy.


Eddie Munster was just seen standing on a bridge railing over the Potomac River.

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It’s a tasty bread.


Key bridge?


CBS news tonight is leading off with 7 minutes so far and counting of the Trump implosion.