“What vision to Hillary Clinton and her party offer the people? They want an America that doesn’t stand out. They want an America that is ordinary. There is a gloom and grayness to things,” he continued. “In the America they want, the driving force is the state. Where we are ruled by our betters, by a cold and unfeeling democracy that replaces original thinking. A place where the government twists the law and the constitution itself to suit its purposes. It’s a place where liberty is always under assault. Where passion, the very stuff of life is extinguished. That is the America Hillary Clinton wants."
Replace every mention of the word state with corporations and you have the America that Ryan and his fellow Establishment Republicans want to create, because everyone knows that unelected corporate boards have the peoples true interests at heart far more so than the peoples own elected representatives.
Once again, Paul Ryan proves what a pathetic little piece of Koch Shit he is.
Supporting the Fascist demands of his Koch Puppet Masters is all he knows how to do, mouthing the words without any understanding or desire to understand. Once bought, he stays bought.
He is a good little toadie who has massively overachieved and is now totally out of his depth on the National Stage.
GTFO Paulie.
In a Q&A session after the speech, fresh allegations that Donald Trump inappropriately groped and kissed women without their consent during his decades as a tabloid star and real estate developer never came up.
Oh, don’t worry about that. Fresh allegations will come up soon enough. More than you could have imagined.
“If we lose the Senate, do you know who becomes the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee? A guy named Bernie Sanders, you ever heard of him?" Ryan warned.
To which all of the college kids loudly cheered, “Yay!”
That is the Trumistas that want anarchy, the Ryan Establishment Republicans “merely” want to return us to the Manorial System of the Middle Ages with Corporate Boards and CEOs replacing Kings and Lords.
Because they want to taint any label that their opponents might use. It’s the same as what they managed with “Liberal” and “Feminist” among others. By rendering the label as toxic, they taint the underlying concepts/values and get the defenders of those concepts and values to scatter.
We’re using “Progressive” nowadays mostly because the right-wing was successful in doing this previously.
“If we lose the Senate, do you know who becomes the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee? A guy named Bernie Sanders, you ever heard of him?" Ryan warned.
I almost wish there were an incumbent Republican Senator in my state just so I could vote against him with the sheer pleasure of knowing what Sanders as Senate Budget Committee chair would mean to Paul Ryan.
A place where the government twists the law and the constitution itself to suit its purposes. It’s a place where liberty is always under assault. Where passion, the very stuff of life is extinguished.
Christ on a cracker. The Bush administration and the Roberts Court have made a mockery out of the law and the Constitution.
Well, you know republicans. If they criticize the dems for something, they’ve already been doing it times 10,000.
My Republican sister told me a few years back that it was smart that Dems were using the word “progressive”. She didn’t go into detail but its hard to argue with the first-blush, visceral thought that it means, you know, progress.
I’ve said it before, but Establishment Republicans end goal is a live action mash up of The Handmaiden’s Tale and Neuromancer. We need to be sure not to let the fact that the Trump wing is gunning for a live action play through of the Fallout series cause us to lose sight of that and mistake them for “moderates.”