but if our nominee comes, we’ll campaign with him.
The candidate’s name one dare not speak.
Wisconsinite here, Trump’s campaign rally was scheduled against tomorrow’s Packer game. That’s not something you do if you want anyone to show up. In contrast, the Clinton campaign has a football watching party with Tim Kaine scheduled in La Crosse.
Paulie’s second nightmare presidential election.
It will be a while before a smile comes back to his face, but every little bit helps.
Mukwonago: I don’t wanna go into the muck with Pence and Ryan, actually.
It’s like Goofus and Gallant from “Highlights for Children,” which some of us older people will remember. Gallant always copies local chairs on potential dates to be alerted to conflicts; Goofus schedules campaign events like whenever.
Donald Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan may never appear together on stage in the 2016 election.
from July '12, when John Boehner had no problem saying Mitt Romney’s name.
Rut-roh scoob, HO can’t get any ryan stank on him…or, is it the other way around?
Nothing personal, Ryan. Yeah, I’m sure.
That hit me right off. Unreal.
GOP leadership is being blackmailed into supporting someone that’s too scummy for–well–GOP leadership. Schadenfeude!
Trump is better off campaigning jointly with Putin. That crowd will go ga ga over Putin bare chested on a horse.
Paul Ryan endorsed He Who Must Not Be Named.
That’s a great idea. Kaine may be pretty low-key, but he’s no dummy. He’s a great asset. It will be great to support him if he decides to take the next step up in 4 or 8 years. I’m only throwing out 4 because the presidency ages one tremendously. I’m sad to say that Hillary may well age much more than 4 years over the next 4.
My 7-year-old grandson gets his subscription to Highlights here at my house, and Goofus and Gallant is the second thing he looks for in the magazine each month (the first being the maze). He’s very aware that nobody wants to be like Goofus and when he’s here again Monday after school I’ll tell him some grown-ups I know called Donald Trump “Goofus”. He’ll like that because he’s well aware what all the adults he knows think of HO.
Yeah, that’s gonna be stuck to his shoe for a long, long time.
That’s the difference between a candidate running a campaign and a candidate running off his mouth.
This says Wisconsin is out of reach for Trump.
My god, a new world odor.
Orange Pustule Hitler- destroyer of everything he touches- is manifest to the whole universe. Eddy’s debasement before the Pustule is now almost complete and he will manifest his eternal moral turpitude with his vote. Eddy, you will wear your pus soaked cloak of shame forever. Forever.
I’ve heard it said that good folks turn trump because they’ve cycled through the stages of grief.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
I’m not sure that explains their return to denial because if anyone can remain in acceptance of Clockwork Orange they have to be in pretty deep denial.