Discussion for article #229084
Seems only fair
This is how stupid people function. We have our Rubios, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, entire republican party and the hysterical media and they have their payback artists. Scientists or anyone with any knowledge of course are nowhere in this picture.
More Ebola hysteria, fanned by Fox News idiots and Rethuglicans trying to win elections by scaring voters into voting for them.
And now that paranoid hysteria form of mental illness has taken roots in the minds of some idiot parents in New Jersey, and somehow been whisked by the internet all the way to Rwanda.
Three cheers for the Rwandans. Republicans are talking about barring flights from “that part of the world” as though it were some cesspool. You really think Cruz and Rand Paul can locate Liberia or Sierra Leone on a map?
I guess turn about is fair play. I wonder what the New Jersey parents think now.
While Ted Cruz will be screened for stupidity…
I’ve just read Brooks’ pseudo intellectual bollocks in the NYT about the fear of Ebola and the follwing comment was posted by someone in Boston, which is just magnificent, IMO:
Fear is many things, but it’s also the conservative’s greatest ally. It makes us suspicious of calm and intelligent people while we listen intently to pompous zealots and liars. It makes us doubt science in favor of superstition and ignorance. It makes us more afraid of nearly non-existent voter fraud than it does of keeping minorities from voting. It makes us think that the broke and unemployed don’t want to work, that the wealthy deserve tax breaks and that denying moochers medical care is better than making it affordable and available to all. It will likely make us vote Republican when Republicans are the reason we are coming apart as a nation.
Fear is not feared by everyone. It’s a useful tool for those who aren’t afraid to use it. It energizes the low-information voter, the racist, the homophobe and the misogynist. It underlies nearly all religions, and helps them to take away our self-respect and then sell it back to us at the cost of our common sense.
It allows pundits and apologists to make us think that we’re helpless, and that our country built on justice and equality for all is stratified because some are more equal than others. It makes it possible for the people elected to run the government to shut it down. But worst of all it lets the people who have torn the fabric of our country to shreds to make us think that the problem is in us, and in our culture.
Fear works for Granny.
Rethugs aren’t gonna let this opportunity pass by. It’s almost mathematical…
G= gain for fearmongering directed to GOP Base
D= disgust from normal people
G > D
Not a lot of demand to travel to Rwanda I suspect. Now if Mexico did this right before the winter vacation season, that would be a hoot.
Same thing happened in Brazil post-911 after the US Customs began fingerprinting all non-US citizens the Brazilian Customs began the same thing…to then outrage of GOPers. Go figure. (BTW, same thing happens in Mexico…US citizens get the anal probe now, I presume in response to the bellicose xenophobic GOPers & Fock Snooze).
Oh, and why don’t we quarantine the entire state of Texas?
oh the poor intern that david brooks has tasked with reading the comments to his idiotic column… too bad davey is too precious and delicate to read them himself. he might learn something… (yeah, right)
holy shit – just heard polling results that 45% are afraid a member of their family will come down with ebola…
congratulations you fear-mongering scumbags in the gop/media/gutless dems…
Canada should follow the lead of Rwanda. Set up the checkpoint on the bridge over the Niagra River. Once you’re across, forbid any return until the US is deemed Ebola free. It’s for our own safety that we prohibit any freedom of movement within, or without our country. Kill the XL Pipeline, too. It will only be used to carry Ebola to the Gulf Coast. FEMA should mandate that every person in the US wear a bubble suit, and not eat any food from Texas. It’s for our own safety! I’m not a scientist, but i know how to stoke the irrational fears of things i do not understand.
's OK, I have no desire to go to Rwanda anyway.
I think I will have to click on David Brooks’s column just so I can vote a “like” for that comment. Thanks!