Discussion: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Undergoes Successful Heart Procedure

Discussion for article #230598

Wishing ā€œThe Notorious RBGā€ a speedy and complete recovery!

The woman is awesome!!


If they can keep Dick Cheney alive, RBGā€™s got nothing to worry aboutā€¦


Get well, dear Justice Ginsburg!


Cheneyā€™s replacement was inexpensive. Home Depot had a Frigidaire Icemaker attachment on sale for 39.99


Keep on Keepin; on -----RBG. The US needs you ā€¦


I am ROTFLMAO. That was priceless. F**king A


The Dickā€™s got a human heart nowā€¦Not his, of course.

The least deserving of anyone on earth to profit off death(s).


Cheney is just postponing the inevitable relocation to an undisclosed location code-named ā€œHELLā€.


The advancements made in heart surgery is mind boggling. Stents are a perfect example of those advancements, many of us wouldnā€™t be here to comment on this story without the wonderful, amazing and lifesaving Stent. May Justice Ginsburg have a full and speedy recovery.

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Justice Ginsberg has been a gift to the Supreme Court and the country. However, her irresponsibility in remaining on the court after Obamaā€™s re-election is breathtaking.


Has anyone been able to comment on the HobbyLobby thread?

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Iā€™m in the same boat as you, unable to comment on Hobby Lobby thread.


ā€¦and Iā€™ve got so much to say!!!

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Nopeā€”there is no comment option.

Pretty cowardly of TPM in my humble opinion.

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Finally got inā€¦

To paraphrase somebody or other, never attribute to cowardice that which can likely be due to technical failure. It often takes some time for comments to come up. OTOH, if you check out the list of comment pages, sometimes the comment page comes up before the article itself (and note that there are comment pages for Joshā€™s edblog articles as well, which you can leave comments on, even though thereā€™s no link from the page):

She is playing a very dangerous game I feel. For whatever the reasons, she doesnā€™t feel that Obama would replace her with someone sufficiently liberal enough, so she wants to wait for the next President.

The risks here are A) that the next President is a Dem and B) that the next President is more likely to appoint someone sufficiently liberal for her standards. And of course C) she may not make it to the next President.

And while I am very glad that this operation was successful and wish her the very best with regards to her healthā€¦my own blood pressure ticked up a few notches on reading this.


Much to the disappointment of right wing politicians,and their supporters.

A little early to declare the surgery ā€˜successfulā€™ isnā€™t it?