It gets more and more difficult to imagine how one would make this stuff up if one cared to try.
One might say it, but it isn’t true.
That is not a true assessment of something like this. There is no true untrue here just subjective opinions about art.
I think the writers the Russians have produced are definitely the finest novelists and their poets are as good as the Irish.
Your opinion is different - fine. It’s still just an opinion.
Complete the association:
Russian Novelist : German Love Poetry
as is
Anthony Scaramucchi : ?
Pretty strong literary tradition, though. Also music, ballet, math, space exploration, science and tech (especially metallurgy). And they kicked ass against the Nazis.
[quote=“tena, post:33, topic:75617, full:true”]
And literary figures. One might say the very best writers and poets the world has produced.
Mrs awiztherewas and I spent 2 days wandering through a largely deserted Hermitage Museum a couple of years ago. We were amazed
Now the immigration detention centres on the other hand…
Well hell.
Dress her up to look her best and turn her loose into general population.
Let’s find out how good she really is at surviving.
Send russia a note,
she is being treated equally as all other inmates are under the lawfulness of our justice system.