All hackers should die.
End trans.
High tech KGB for the 21st centur-ee. Almost makes you wish for the days of the media gatekeepers, who kept this kind of abuse far away from the body politic. Now the dirty tricksters can inject the poison directly.
So you nasty scumsuckers…you think THIS is funny??? You think THIS is a witch hunt?
fucking Russians
Your day(s) will come, Russians. When that happens, don’t cry foul.
What do the FOX News knuckle-draggers who defend Putin and Trump and their treasonous collaborations think of THIS!
They constantly beat their chests and rend their clothing about how they LOVE the MILITARY and everything (and everyone) associated with it.
How will they respond to THESE ACTIONS by the RUSSIANS?
With Silence I expect.
“The women were targeted not by jihadists but by the same Russian hacking group that intervened in the American election…”
Not a “hacking group that intervened in the American election”, but a military attack on the United States.
Fancy Bear is Russian military intelligence – the GRU.
The Trump campaign conspired with a hostile foreign government to militarily attack our country.
And every single American who voted for Trump or enabled his treachery is complicit in treason.
Republicans “support our troops” only when their Commander-in-Chief is from the GOP.
The false flag is a case study in the difficulty of assigning blame in a world where hackers routinely borrow one another’s identities to throw investigators off track.
Except this wasn’t done to throw investigators off track. It was done to inflame U.S. fear and hostility against Arab nations – nations that Putin wishes to draw into his Islamo-Russian Empire. It was done to push Americans inward and rightward…toward fascism and closed borders.
We need the NAMES and ADDRESSES of all these Russian pigs that participated, funded and carried out this terrorism.
They should all be greenlit and summarily executed if they ever dare set foot out of Russia. This needs to be war on these scum and they should be made a fearsome PUBLIC example of…
We would all be amiss if we didn’t give a hearty “f*ck you” to Bernie Sanders and his #NeverHillary dead-enders who were grotesquely complicit in the election of Donald Trump.
“Rigged process”, my ass.
This is why we need to not just instantly jump to scorn and derision mode when someone says they were hacked. We are just now beginning to see the outlines of the Second Cold War we spent far too long trying to deny away.
We all failed to take them, and what they were doing, sufficiently seriously. We still are. We have to stop.
Yeah but what about Hillary’s emails? and Benghazi.
You mean those hackers that are in cahoots with Two Scoops?
My I add that righteous indignation as others are expressing up thread may seem to be called for, but what we really need is cool, calm, and collected action. They want us upset, distrustful, and paranoid let’s not give them what they want.
And the speeches! We were supposed to just overlook that?
And 5 Deferment Don says nothing.
He cannot upset Putin,so fuck our troops and their families.
The important question is will this in any way impact the size and grandeur of the greatest military parade EVER?
And these are the foreign soldiers that Trump begged to help him come to power. Yet this Republican Congress continues to support a president that will not strike back at those that attacked this country.
Mueller serving a Two Scoops sedition sundae with a counterintelligence cherry on top.