Discussion: Russian Co. To Court: Hold Barr, Mueller In Criminal Contempt For Report Release

obscure pop cultural references

There is nothing obscure about Animal House.


Sure you shouldn’t be in the loony Coastie thread?

Hate to nitpick, but get a damn copy editor guys:
Concord Management — a company ran by a Russian oligarch that is accused of funding the 2016 social media meddling — filed a motion seeking that Mueller and Barr be required to show cause why they shouldn’t be held in contempt.


How’s the weather under that rock?

Don’t be too sure, that attorney’s done some crazy shit.

I’ve said it before: Russia’s meddling in 2016 was not merely criminal, it was an act of war. The only reason we’re being faced with these bizarre legal problems is that the GOP congress refused to recognize it as an act of war, leaving the problems unresolved such that any serious criminal investigation into the constituent crimes was bound to back into the larger geopolitical problem.

This whole thing is about international relations first and foremost, which almost means it’s about national security. The remedy is not to be found in an American court. It is to be found in badly-needed diplomacy backed by the necessary alternative of military force.

A hostile nation waging a guerrilla war on us has no business – or legal standing – to use our laws against the people we’ve tasked with defending us in that war.

Russia is at war with us right now, whether we like it or not. The only reason we haven’t formally reciprocated is that they started the war with a successful coup.


Concord Management should be fined 10 billion dollars and banned from doing business in the United States along with any of their subsidiaries.


“Russian Co. To Court: Hold Barr, Mueller In Criminal Contempt For Report Release”

I think that chuzpah translates to the Russian word наглость (naglost’).

Are we ready to sever all internet connections into Russia and jam all electromagnetic frequencies emanating beyond their airspace yet? And if any other nation decides to step in and help the Russians regain internet connectivity outside Russia, are we ready to do the same to them, too?

ETA: Just a thought. A little nutty perhaps, but I’m not happy with Vladimir’s mob right now.


Russia is fucking with us. Pardon my language, but that big thing sticking in the middle of your life lately…?



What’s the problem with an American Court bending over doing what the Russian company asks for?

We are a de facto Russian vassal state since we have Preshitdent Skanky-Manslut in the White Sh*t Hole House who is a Putin whore. We have sold our country, our constitution, our elections, national security and Presidential Daily Brief and our democratic institutions under the bus in exchange for a cheesy high rise in Moscow and golden showers from vitamin-water hydrated pee-hookers at the Ritz-Carlton. All ordinary Americans can do watch this carnival pass.

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Russia is simply Saudi Arabia with nukes. They have fossil fuels to export, like the Saudis, which the world needs and therefore puts up with their shit. They have a government centrally controlled largely by one guy and his extended family, just like the Saudis. Their army is about as effective as the Saudis. They have a moribund economy, whose assets are in the hands of the governing few, stolen from the citizens of their country, just like the Saudis. Their entire GDP is smaller than five of our individual states. Their population is in decline as their death rate exceeds their birth rate.

The Russians are not to be feared, except for those nukes, which we must assume will work if tried. Otherwise, they are a backwater country and except for the ruling class, are at best a third world country.

Quit letting them be important. Screw the whole lot of them. If there is one place on earth where we should be working for regime change, it is Russia. Turnabout is fair play.


I could not agree more.

Allowing Putin and his mobbed-up KGB pals to continue “governing” Russia is like refusing to clean the patch of fuzzy mildew in a shower: it is a breeding ground for dangerous bugs, and it will continue to contaminate the rest of the environment with waves of successively-worse scum.

Ending Putin’s government is necessary for the same reason as taking a full course of antibiotics. Russia doesn’t have to rule itself like we do, but global society can no longer tolerate the super-charged criminality it spawns.


Everyone in the Trump orbit is a Bond villain. Check out this thread (Prigozhin is here; Ryan Zinke is Jaws which you have to admit fits better):

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Troll says what?

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‘The company pointed specifically to local court rules prohibiting lawyers in a case from making public comments that could reasonably “interfere with a fair trial or otherwise prejudice the due administration of justice.”’ As if any Russian company or person will ever actually stand trial for this, given there’s no extradition treaty with them.

Why not? They’ve already shown contempt for the entire notion of democracy.

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Barratry; look it up. Also look up Rule 11 Sanctions.

Mind telling us which website sent out the order to release the trolls?

If you had bothered to read any of the documents that have come out of the Mueller investigation, you would know that there is shitloads of evidence that the Russians interfered in the election. What’s pissing these guys off is that Muller put out a lot of the evidence for all to see, and it’s not helping their case.

By the way, presumption of innocence is the duty of a jury. The public at large has no such obligation, and may conclude that something that walks like a duck and quacks like a duck is probably a duck.

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Troll. LOL! You may as well just screamed, “BENGHAZI!” because it’s just as mindlessly stupid and intellectually lazy. Had you taken the time to investigate my commenting history on TPM you would have seen that such a charge is mindlessly stupid. But that seems to be the hallmark of Russiagate true believers.

I did bother to read the Mueller Report. It is full of assertions. I contains ZERO evidence. (Now there may be evidence supporting those assertions, but that was not part of the report. And we may never see it, even if it exists. Mueller’s struggle with the one Russian entity that called his bluff is indication enough that it may not actually exist.) Maybe you’re one of those Liberals who has no idea about the past activities of the FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of the alphabet soup constellation of National Security State agencies that you’re gullible enough to trust them, but I’m not. Those who have been paying attention long enough will surely remember the phrase, “Trust, but verify.” So when it comes to the FBI and Robert Mueller in particular (one of the many who actively sold the Bush “Administration” lies about WMD in Iraq), I lean pretty heavily on the verify part.

Also lacking in the report is any indication of the impact that any Russian-initiated activities had on the election. (As I stated in my original comment! Oh, why can’t Johnny read??) Anyone who had bothered to investigate my commenting history at TPM would have surely noted that I have long posited that whatever impact it may have had was overwhelmed, by orders of magnitude, by the 24/7 anti Democratic Party propaganda vomiting out of the pie hole of every douche nozzle on Fox “News” for the past twenty years and Reich Wing Hate Radio for the past thirty years. Russia may have added a bucket of water to an otherwise fully developed hurricane, but to claim the resulting devastation was created by that one bucket of water is mindlessly stupid. But when The Most Qualified Candidate for President in the History of Forever loses to the worst, I guess people take their consolation where they can get it. That and Electoral College bashing, an institution that the guy who could never, ever possibly win (Pssst! It’s because he’s blaaaaaaack!) won in a landslide. Twice!

So, yeah. Go ahead and accuse people with whom you disagree of being trolls. It only feeds the widespread belief that there is no difference between Democrats and Republican’ts. Such a good look…