Discussion: Russian Co. To Court: Hold Barr, Mueller In Criminal Contempt For Report Release

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This puts Donnie in a tough spot. Saving his orange hide or obeying his masters?

OTOH, anything that discredits and incriminates BelowtheBARR is fine with me.


Is this just some sick way of trying to trick us into feeling sympathetic for Barr? Not working . . . nope, not even a little. Barr has put his sword in on the side of the bad guys.


I’m guessing his high school senior class voted Eric Dubelier “Most likely to end up like Avenatti”.


First collusion. Then obstruction. Now collusion to obstruct.


This case is taking on a circus like character that feels as if the Russians are using our legal system to troll us. It is understandable that the judge in this case is getting impatient with these folks. They are not so much as demonstrating contempt for the court, as they are showing contempt for our entire system of justice.


That guy really has that Bond villain look down. Right from central casting.


Have we seen his dental work?


One of Donnie Moscow’s first calls for help…


What a bunch of comedians.

And here I thought Yakov Smirnoff had cornered the market on this.

Well, they have certainly mastered the Yakov part.


Any Judge that rules in favor of Concord should be examine by the Bar. They’re an extension of the Russian government. They are enemies of the United States who are bad faith actors that manipulate our criminal justice system.


Ah, the Russians. They always win in being further out, more bizarre, more twisted, more cartoonish, and crazier than anyone else.


You’re kidding, right? Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? Or does that only apply to people we like and approve of?

Second, our “system of justice” deserves trolling, on a massive scale, as there is precious little actual justice anymore. From the War on Drugs, to the cash bail system, to civil asset forfeiture, to the wealthy and high-born facing few if any consequences for their crimes, our system is a sewer of corruption and disfunction.

Finally, they’ve got Barr and Mueller dead to rights on this:

The company also bashes Mueller for describing in his report the allegations against the company as if they are undisputed fact.

“Everybody knows that the Russians interfered in the election!” has become gospel truth, with zero credible evidence to support it, let alone any evidence quantifying the impact it had on the election’s outcome if it were true. Indictments aren’t proof of anything, otherwise we could simply dispense with the time and expense of trials. Mueller was counting the Russians not showing up to court, because they are Russians and out of his jurisdiction. Then they called his bluff, so hopefully we will finally get to see all of this supposed evidence of Russian interference that Mueller has been keeping so deep under wraps. That said, my guess is that they will simply bury everything under National Security claims and we will never get to see how flimsy his case really is…

Bluto: What? Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!..

John Belushi, Bluto’s Big Speech - “Animal House” - 1980

“The filings by the company’s American legal team have typically been bombastic, sensational and, dare we say it, troll-y — so much so that Concord’s lawyer Eric Dubelier was once scolded by a judge after using a profane “Animal House” quote in one of his filings.

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Can you see Minneapolis from your house?

Credible evidence? You mean, do we have Putin’s fingerprints on the one terminal used to hack everything and create divisive Facebook identities? No, but

September 2016: US intelligence community nearly unanimously (thanks, Comey!) signs off on findings that they did
Lots of those divisive FB accounts were traced to the Internet Research Agency, in Russia, run by a friend of Putin’s and charged with disrupting our political discourse
The GRU hacked into the DNC, the DCCC, and the Clinton campaign to throw dirt, and multiple private cybersecurity firms found that Guccifer was a GRU identity
A lawyer from the Kremlin met in Trump Tower with top members of the Trump campaign to offer dirt on Clinton

I’d say that if you can smell the smoke and it’s quacking like a duck, it’s probably a duck on fire.



In 1941, racist views of the Japanese (and in particular the stereotype of the nearsighted funny bowing little men) were so entrenched that many in the U.S. military initially assumed that the airplanes that attacked Pearl Harbor must have been flown by German Luftwaffe pilots, because Japanese pilots weren’t that good.

Only after we kept getting our asses handed to us by Japanese fighter planes all over the Pacific did those opinions become untenable.


I suppose you can point to evidence, or any rational argument whatsoever, that they didn’t.



The Russians always do the most trolling, even though it may not be the best.


WTF? First they hack us and now they tell us how to ‘run’ our courts? Wow.