Discussion: Russia Lodges Complaint After UN Official Criticizes Donald Trump

Donā€™t worry, Donald, Putin has your back.


Rather than ā€˜covert opsā€™, the Putin-Trump relationship is superliminal or smacks-you-in-the-head obvious.


Could the Russkies be as inept as Drumpf?


Maybe Chiselinā€™ Trump should run for president of Russia, you know, after he loses to Clinton.


This whole thing is just weird and highly suspect.


Proof positive that Rump is WAY in debt to Russia. Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d be ā€œassistingā€ him (as they see it) otherwise. Theyā€™re just trying to cover their investment.


I think the reason for the protest is the leader who wasnā€™t mentioned. And is at least as tribalist as the ones who were.

Never heard of him before, but I like that Zeid guy.


Oh. Your. God.
The Russians are not even trying to hide it anymore.
They are unfurling Pro-Putin banners in New York, deploying their DIPLOMATS and Intelligence Service Hackers to protect Trump and OPENLY meddling in an American Presidential Election.
Trump must owe the Russian Mob Hundreds of Millions of $$$ to get this kind of support and we all know that Putin HATES to lose at anything and this has his fingerprints all over it.
I wonder how long Trump will remain alive after he gets CRUSHED in the election on Nov. 8th? (Iā€™ll bet he is wondering the exact same thing. Maybe that explains his obsession with the Inheritance Tax?)


Hear that sound? The one of bones rattling? Thats Saint Reagan spinning in his grave at his partyā€™s full love-in with the Evil Empire.



Huh, Putin comes to rescue a foreign nationā€™s presidential candidate, while the candidateā€™s own running mate refused to defend him. Anyone who cannot see what is going on here is a moron.


And this is where the oft-repeated and rarely-heard plea for a real hard journalistic look at that relationship would be appropriate.

Sadly, nothing will happen.


Of the other nationalist/separatist leaders mentioned, Russia actually helped fund Le Penā€™s campaign, and Wilder is so in bed with Putin that posters on public transit showed them french kissing. Others may be as well, Iā€™m just not following them. But it stands to reason that Putin would very much want to see the nationalist movement take over (and demolish) the EU, because then the damaging sanctions against Russia would be lifted. I assume that lifting Russian sanctions is also on Trumpā€™s agenda, but havenā€™t seen that explicitly discussed one way or the other. Russia has also been funneling ā€œaidā€ money to Ecuador, where Assange is holed up. Itā€™s a smart use of targeted, subversive funding and alliances that could be very damaging to western values.

Edit to add: and of course Farage is also Putin fan who may have received monetary support for the Brexit campaign.


The world would be a much better place were Putin to be Americaā€™s president and Sergei Lavrov our Sec.of State. Trump has this right, as well as destroying NATO would be a positive move for the planet. The current administration have most things wrong and / or criminal, including everything about Obamaā€™s / Kerryā€™s Russian policy. This is how it was with Ron and Rand Paul too - both had it right in the sense both wanted to stop attacking everyone on the planet, same as Trump. Maybe 90% of the policies of these 3 presidential candidates are bad, but simply stopping the military in America would totally change this nationā€™s culture and wealth of the citizenry. I support Putin for president, nobody else. We donā€™t have any worthy americans to serve as president except a few decent folks like Bernie and Jill, who have absolutely no chance of ever being president. This one major change in American policy would reshape our country for the better as well as the entire planet: bomb the MIC back to the stone age.

All you really need to do is follow the smellā€¦

just donā€™t step in it when you find it ā€”

Iā€™m thinking I wouldnā€™t want him in charge of their nukes either?


What kind of wussified Russian issues a a verbal ā€œdemarcheā€.
Khrushchev would ask are you not man enough to bang a shoe or two in the UN?


Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d be ā€œassistingā€ him (as they see it) otherwise.

Actually, I think they might. Just disrupting the U.S would be reason enough. And all forms of nationalism/isolationism benefit Putinā€™s Russia.

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You really need to crawl back into that primordial ooze of fecal material that gave birth to you. Oh, and BTW, - and I mean this with the utmost love and respect - go fuck yourself.