Discussion for article #233622
Oh! those politicians and their droppings!
We need a gov Agency to deal with this problem…
It’s actually several agencies, supposedly allied with state counterparts, and they call the process “election”.
I suspect the timing couldn’t be better for Feingold’s return. Johnson’s been ridiculous and clearly nothing more than a tool for the Koch brothers, so much so that his employment of THEIR money in seeking re-election should have a paradoxical effect in assisting his opponent.
Ah, I remember when Ron Johnson defeated Feingold by claiming he would be “more independent” and “less partisan” as a Senator. Also, something or other about how Ron Johnson’s children totally love Ron Johnson. Seriously, that was pretty much the entirety of RoJo’s campaign message. Simpler times…
…is there any cure/palliation for ElectoralDysfunction?
Wisconsin need Feingold for Govoner but if he wants back in the Senate that’s OK too
This gives me the happy happy, joy joys! Feingold was a great, liberal senator and one that has been sorely missed. Although it sucks royally that we lost the Senate and lost so many blue dog, 80% yea votes, it did make the Senate Democratic Caucus that much more liberal. Adding Feingold to the mix would be fantastic.
One of my hopes is that the Dems finally understand the importance of fighting hard for every seat - House or Senate - and NEVER give up. If there was anything to learn from 2014, quitters never win.
Along with his colleague from MN, Paul Wellstone (RIP), Russ Feingold was the most progressive and sensible senator in the 2000s. WI and the US need him back in office!
Good. His loss was the biggest travesty of the 2010 cycle. Now if we can change all elections to be held only in presidential years, maybe we could count on the Dem base to show up and vote.
I lost a lot of faith in Wisconsin voters when Sen Feingold lost. Of course, that was before the Walker debacles. How could they possibly re-elect that man? How, how, how? And Brownback!!! But Russ should triumph in a year with a presidential election and it will be great to see him back.