Discussion: Rush Limbaugh Concedes He Was Wrong To Reject Polls In 2012

When Limbaugh turns out to be the be the voice of reason you know something has gone very wrong.


ā€œI feel a great disturbance in the Forceā€¦ā€ Another sign of great changes to come? Iā€™m ready for some sanity in politics.


As long as mine is NOT among them ā€”

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Dominican Republic (known for boy sex trade), with 4 guy pals and a monthā€™s supply of Viagra.

Rush Limbaugh said that? Rush Limbaugh?

Irony is working way overtime in this election.


He went on to say, "He who controls the Spice, controls the universe! "


Donā€™t forget the " You need to drink your own piss" part ā€”

Of course they can. Theyā€™re Conservatives. They donā€™t believe in logic or fairness; they believe in heads I win, tails you lose.


This guyā€™s still alive? I thought his ticker blew him to Kingdom Come while he was gobbling oxycontin by the handfull with that Rentboy in Costa Rica.

How typical, it takes Limbaugh four years to face reality. His concession for 2016 will most likely come in 2020 or thereafter.

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Softening his listeners up for the fall on 11/8. Rush and the other talkies and guest commentators have been saying for a coupla weeks that ā€œnobody really knows whatā€™s gonna happenā€. The knowledge of what is gonna happen is starting to sink in.

Funny how Trump and Limbaugh are worried about voter suppression concerning a mechanism which hasnā€™t been shown to be used that way (skewed polls). Yet there are hard statistics on average wait times in polling places which often line up with income, and they have no problem that gun permits are a valid form of voter ID in Texas but student IDs arenā€™t, and they had no problem with Florida scrubbing voting lists of everyone who shared a name with a felon in the same county. No, those other things are just figments of Democrats imagination.


And Rush is an expert on "false reality for yourself that isnā€™t true."

Iā€™ll go one further. His false realities are for all his listeners, as well.

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Funny you should mention that. I work for one of the large polling companies, and we do a lot more than just political polling. We do market research, academic research, etc., but political polling is the one area that we can point to that has an outcome which serves to prove how accurate our methodology is and, as you said, how good we are at what we do. You are 100% correct. We would have to be complete idiots with a death wish to intentionally skew our poll results.

And then he laughed and laughed and said, just kidding.

"ā€¦you end up creating a false reality for yourself that isnā€™t true.ā€

Rush means: "You set out to create a false reality for yourself that isnā€™t true,
then sell it to dim folks for $30 million a year!!ā€

His ignorance has been highly, highly profitableā€¦to himā€¦at Americaā€™s expenseā€¦

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Well, if this helps prevent Trumpā€™s supporters from violence on November 9 due to their baseless rigged election claims, then finally Rush will have done a good thing.

I donā€™t buy this. Limbaugh, though uneducated, is not stupid. I do not believe that he actually thought the the big GOP wins in 2010 meant a win in 2012. Heā€™s been around politics long enough to know how it all works.

I think he pushed the skewed thing than for the same reason that he and others have pushed the rigged thing now: to motivate their voters without regard to damage to the institutions of the Republic.

Lying. NAZI, Whore. - Bartcop

Dems will easily take WH and Senate. And yes, have a real shot at House too.

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