True. FOX Entertainment should never have been allowed to use the “News” moniker. It’s far too late now–and so much damage has been done. Far too many Americans don’t really know or understand what “news” or “journalism” to be. Rupert Murdoch should be in shackles.
Why even bother with elections. Just get Murdoch, the Koch brothers, Adelson, Trump, Bloomberg, maybe the guy who owns Amazon, get them all together in a room at the Venetian and let them do rock paper scissors as to who will be president
I want Republican Michael Bloomburg to run. Might as well have him drop a couple hundred million into the economy, easier than taking it via taxes and we all know he’ll never get more than 1% in any poll, let alone any election assuming he can even get on the ballot.
… which basically means that Rupert, Fox and other Republicans care more about their party then about their country: They want Bloomberg to enter the race even if it means victory for their party even if it’s led by seriously daranged maniac who’s been taunting them and suggesting the murder of journalists.
Hasn’t it been a given that Republicans care more about their party than the country since at least the point where they were vowing to make Obama a failure while his first Inauguration Dinner was still going on?
1DaveNL Maybe Bloomberg would like to take advantage of the spare podium at the upcoming debate. If not, I hope Fox News leaves it there as a silent reminder of Trump’s temper tantrum.
how about getting clint eastwood to stand there and say nothing, just make faces?
I don’t buy that Bloomberg can peel enough Dem votes from Hillary / Bernie to lose any Electoral Votes to Trump/Cruz?
I don’t believe that Dem voters are looking for someone to the RIGHT of Hillary, which is exactly where Bloomie falls.
Really, I don’t think his policies, when scrutinized, will be particularly palatable to to very many people at all. He’s far too Oligarch for the left, and far too Nanny for the right.
I think the ONLY people who stand to gain from a Bloomberg run would be the media who would gladly soak him for a billion or two.
If facts are supposed to have a liberal bias, we here certainly overlook them in our haste to comment and spin.
As TPM itself reported on Bloomberg’s announcement: he would run only if the GOP nominated Cruz or Trump, and the Democrats nominated Sanders. This article says Bloomberg would run especially if Trump and Sanders were the nominees, implying that he might run against Hillary. This is either very careless writing or a deliberate attempt to mislead readers (apparently successful) about Bloomberg’s clearly expressed intention.
As of post #38, consideration of the potential effect upon the Democratic candidate in the general election has cast Hillary the victim (again!) of another attack by a billionaire Republican. Even the poll cited (in this current and the previous article) concerns the outcome of a Trump, Bloomberg, Clinton race. We ignore the careless or devious intent of this reported poll that Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic victim of Bloomberg’s gambit, not Hillary Clinton. Curiously, the results of a three-way Trump/Cruz, Bloomberg, Sanders race is not reported, yet that is the only race that Bloomberg promises to enter!
If the Democrats with Bernie Sanders as their nominee suffer a loss of votes in the election due to Bloomberg’s presence, and thereby lose the White House, bitter cui bono recriminations and divisions will ensue. The poison will damage our party in up-and-down ballot elections for years to come. If such an outcome is possible, wouldn’t it be prudent to honestly confront Bloomberg/ cui bono questions immediately before the Democratic primarys start next week, and the results from any state can be seen to be tainted? One way or another, Democrat Michael Bloomberg must be prevailed upon to quickly retract his ill-conceived ransom note to likely Democratic voters!