Discussion: Rupert Murdoch: Carson May Be ‘The One To Beat’ In 2016

The GOP is really acting in a dream world. I just want to know what Carson is going to talk to world leaders about?

If they really believe this , they have already lost this election.Carson has shown nothing regarding policy or ability to grasp what may be important to anyone beyond his base.


I think that Deez Nuts and Rupert’s masseuse have a better chance of becoming the Republican nominee.

The original remark from Rube before his social media editor got to it

@rupertmurdoch “Ben Carson polls improving every week. Maybe the meat to beat.”

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He does, that’s where his Faux news money has been coming from.

But the racists hate when they are called out on their racism. He is merely helping them with their (transparent) cover.

That way the rest of the normal veiled racism that is Faux’s bread and butter seems less so…


My god, I give up. I don’t care who the Republicans pick. Not one of them could beat any of the declared candidates on the Democratic side. So I wish them all a bloody fight. I hope Ben Carson gets to speak more. He’s creepy.

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Carson isn’t black, he’s evangelical — one of their own.

Letting God run human affairs.

And the sad thing is, that at this point I really don’t care who the Democrats pick. By the time someone ask me, it will all be over, and I won’t want to give up a Saturday to caucus. I certainly am not going to give any of them money until the general starts.

In a skilled consultant’s hands, attacking Carson wouldn’t be difficult. In fact the attack ads would range from the silly to the red meat areas. Now the latter (the red meat) would be asking for it, because Atwater’s rule #1 would have to be precisely followed. However Trump vs Carson would have one question to it that everyone would be dying to see: If he was attacked, would Carson push back?

Secondly, SurveyUSA uses more concise language, especially for ballot propositions, than competitors. This can lead to diverging results, such as for California Proposition 76, where one version of the SurveyUSA question with a one sentence description, polled significantly differently compared to another version with a three sentence description (which was similar to a version of the question used by other pollsters, which used a five or six sentence question)

I almost want to see the questions sheet for the Trump poll.

Somebody suggested that Ben Carson is the Republicans’ presidential primary equivalent of Lieutenant Governor and RNC Chairman Michael Steele. That comparison is apt.

There’s a chance Ben Carson may be favorably viewed during polling and there’s a chance eh might be nominated. But when push comes to shove, Ben Carson will be pushed out in favor of someone more racially and ignorance-level compatible with the Republican base like Rinse Pubis.

Well, at least he’s not a cu… … Or is he?

Agree that he could win or be a very strong second in Iowa, but…

Iowa GOP caucus voters are very, very far from being representative of the nation, and the caucus process itself is very, very far from being representative of the ballot-casting process of the general election.

It is a little like holding the first Democratic primary in Vermont. On a mountain. Four miles from the nearest road.

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I’m like you here, I truly believe the Murdochs of the world–and most definitely the Kochs–want a Walker or a Kasich far over and above any desire to see a Carson in there – and not because he’s black, but because they see Carson as a very feathery lightweight in the brains department and is a total unknown with how far they can puppet him like they know they can a Walker and (to a somewhat lesser degree) Kasich. They don’t want a Bush because of the toxicity involved.

If making hordes of money and not really caring to try to dictate any policy were their game, I don’t see why they all wouldn’t be behind a Democrat like Hillary … just look at how well their bank accounts have done under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. However, they’re not just greedy, they want to control our very lives as well (so they can manipulate what we are able to do and make us miserable).

Well, then–since at this point, after all their horrid shenanigans and hateful actions–I don’t care about them as a viable second party anymore, I wish Carson much success in his bid to become the Stupid Party’s presidential nominee.

This is totally about getting Trump to start beating up on Carson. Trump is much more viable against Hillary than Carson!

Right wingers like Carson for one reason, and only one reason.

He’s a black guy who mouth’s the racist tropes that white conservatives like to hear.

Someone please help me out!
Let’s see if I understand what’s going on:
Obama’s black and from Day 1, the Regressive Republican Party and all it’s racist lemmings have had a wedgie over a black man living in their house, the White House! Now they’re going to support and vote for a black man for president and back into the White House, what am I missing?

Ben Carson convinces the GOP base that they’re dead right in thinking that slavery was actually the best thing that could have happened to West Africans, and the fact that most African Americans failed to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity is their own damn fault. Would the GOP base’s desperate need to confirm this insane proposition be enough to coax them into trusting the American ship of state to a black man? Could be.

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