Discussion: Rupert Murdoch: Carson May Be ‘The One To Beat’ In 2016

Discussion for article #240164

Trump will receive this as a slam.

I hope he runs third party because his fee fee’s are hurt.


Rupert (the Third), you really don’t understand how racist the GOP is do you?


PSSST, don’t tell him, but, IN YOUR DREAMS…CONs say the dumbest things. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Hell, I’m enjoying the whole spectacle. Trump has made the Republicans interesting to watch, as he’s taken the whole crew to full reality television mode. Since they’re all Neanderthals who vary about an inch on the issues from each other, you might as well enjoy them when they go full buffoon to try to match Trump.


I don’t think Carson has an icicle’s chance in Hell of getting the nomination, but if by some bizarre happenstance he was the nominee, he’d go down in flames worse than Goldwater did. Barry was a reactionary nut in 1964, but even at that he was vastly more qualified to hold the office than Carson will ever be.

Murdoch is either trolling or senile.


Gee, back in 2012 they waited for a primary or caucuse to be held before they started going through presidential candidates.

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I think he’s still miffed at Trump.


Check out this recent Survey USA Poll that has trump beating all democrats. This is silly season and I agree Carson is a flash in the pan at the moment.


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I agree, Carson is their window dressing. They would never nominate him.


Emotionally and intellectually Trump is like a grotesque freak, it’s horrible but you can’t look away, and even so he’d probably get a fair number of votes. But Carson comes off as a complete ditzy flake. It would be a disaster. And as long as we’re talking about unlikely but not impossible things, it’s a scenario that might bring about the general collapse of the Republican Party.


Maybe, but I think he has a very good chance of winning the Iowa caucus. He has a solid ground game, he is leading the GOP in terms of small money donors, and he is going to be very difficult for Trump to attack.

Underneath the covers, he is starting to see the benefits of the Trump Effect; Trump hit that anti-establishment button hard, but now the anti-establishment is looking around at someone who isn’t quite so boorish…and there is the soft spoken Doctor. Just as crazy and ill-informed…but he sounds nice.

And, this is the kicker for me, as Bush and others start taking aim at Trump with their campaign ads, its Carson more than any other candidate, that is going to benefit. There is zero chance that someone that currently like Trump is going to switch to Bush; however there is a chance that they will decide Trump is too liberal and switch to one of the other anti-establishment candidates.

One of the big differences in this campaign compared to 2012, is that in 2012, the “not-Romney” supporters gathered around one specific candidate at a time…which made it very easy for Romney to money bomb that person down. And he had no establishment competition. Now there are at least 4 anti-establishment candidates, and they are ALL leading in the polls. And the establishment candidates seem to each be settling in for a long campaign, thus splintering that vote up into irrelevancy.


Can I suggest that Carson is the GOP’s “dark horse” candidate or will I get in trouble for that?


I doubt it. “Your reputation her precedes you” (meant as a compliment)


I just cannot resist a good pun, bon mot or double entendre. Something just comes over me that I can’t control. I suppose it’s a kind of hysteria. I think Mrs Von Holst might want me to seek help but she mostly just groans at me.


ben carson is the black ben stein.


carson’s the one Murdock spouts hey ruppy did ya know that durin the debate he was tryin to put together a puzzle and when asked to sing a last response he sang about a mouses wee wee how ya like that huh a mouses wee wee…yep he’s a real keeper by cracky…lmao

True-- as true gets.

Then on the flip-side?
The GOP, ®s-in-general, and certainly the 23% swath of RWNJs–
are NOT going to nominate/elect another AAPOTUS.

Half that 23% would stay home Nov 1 2016.
And a portion of the ®s-in-general would vote (D).

This will end well-- but not for our opponents.



Carson will be a distant memory well before any votes are cast.



Because I care about you, MrVHolst…

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