Discussion: Rula Jebreal Says She's 'Done' With MSNBC

Discussion for article #225458

This person is a self-promoter who knows how to push the buttons of liberal audiences.

She seems like a Palin-style grifter, on our side.

Please note that “But she says thing I agree with and gets me fire dup!” isn’t a rebuttal to this point.


Well, in her favor, she’s smarter than Palin. Okay, that was a backhanded compliment–it was the best I could do though.


My dog is smarter than Palin.


A potato is smarter than Palin. Or, for Dan Quayle (another mensa club janitor): potatoe


She’s been lucid enough over time.

This particular rubble building episode by (I can’t bomb Iran so look out mother fuckers) Netanyahu is beyond repugnant and instills less awe then shock. Third time is the charm?

That technology doesn’t allow Israel to manage tunnels on their side of the border, with motion and sensor listening is pretty weak from a state security perspective.

Going back to Sharon’s jack booted pogroms in Lebanon, WTF did the 27% of warmonger orthodox believers who have Israel by the short hairs expect to happen, besides continued hate and retribution from both camps?

That Sharon live birthed Hezbollah and Hamas to the tune of two generations seems to be missing from the conversation and this journalist seems to want a fair assessment on air.

Who’s to blame her?


Granting she is handling this issue badly, long term, her bona fides as a reporter and analyst makes the Palin reference unfair.

Palin is a joke. The person here is not.

ETA: She also has stuff in her biography that makes her sensitive about the issue at hand. This is not an excuse but again Palin does not have the same life story to the degree at issue here as a whole.


“She also pointed to the example of MSNBC’s resident conservative Joe Scarborough, who’s called out the network for its liberal bias.”


"he MSNBC double standard is on full display as the network made Ed Schultz cancel an appearance at a Democratic fundraiser, but is allowing Joe Scarborough to speak at a Republican cash grab.

In December of 2013, Ed Schultz was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Broward Democratic Party’s big Unity Dinner in Florida, but he was forced by his bosses at MSNBC to cancel the appearance and claim that he didn’t know it was a fundraiser.

However, Republican Joe Scarborough is being allowed to deliver a keynote address for Cheshire County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner in New Hampshire in May. The fundraiser that Scarborough is appearing at costs $50 per person, and all of the money goes to the Republican Party."

And Keith ?

If it walks like a duck…


“Hot big-mouth Muslim babe gets the heave-ho for being a shit-stirrrer.” So: that’s the story (not the basic proven claim that Israel’s perspective is privileged by the US media).

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Chris Hayes deserves kudos for keeping his cool during her tirade. Hard to take her claims of bias seriously since she has so obviously taken sides in the conflict. Journalism needs to get beyond being judged by how much time each talking head for each viewpoint gets arguing with the other. That’s what CNN does. They need to get beyond the headlines which I think MSNBC does a very good job of compared to other outlets. She also is self-defeating for her own cause … the constant stream of images of civilian deaths in Gaza is a far more powerful media image than listening to Bibi Netanyahu. Let the media bring on Hamas spokespersons if they can find them and let them answer questions about their views, ultimate aims and policies … it will just increase the support for Israel among Americans. If we are going to talk about media bias, let’s be honest about what Hamas as well as Hezbollah and ISIS represent – it’s not a two-state solution but creation of a single Islamic state where Jews, Christians, Druze, Bahai, Sufis, Sunni or Sharia (depending on who is running the state), women, LGBT have no rights. I doubt Rula would last very long under their rule. Of course, she will respond that Hamas doesn’t represent her or all Palestinians which hopefully is true, but unfortunately they are the ones with the missiles, tunnels and suicide bombers fighting this war and the ones in control in Gaza and could have accepted a ceasefire but refused to.


Yeah, well, she’s still beautiful.

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All dogs are smarter than Palin but it doesn’t take much

No question she is passionate on the subject and I feel for her but she handled this very badly and gave the impression she was let go because of her stance which was not the case at all. I would not necessarily take MSNBC’s word but Chris Hayes on the other hand is a man of integrity and I admire what he did by having her on

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Yes she is but what does that have to do with anything.

I totally agree. He is A-OK in my book.