Discussion: Rubio's Latest Shot In Immigration Spat: Cruz Has Shifted His Position

Discussion for article #242819

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Says it all.


In Thunderdome Cage #1, we have Trump vs Carson. In Thunderdome Cage #2, we have Cruz vs Rubio. In Thunderdome Cage #3, we have Bush vs Fiorina vs Kasich. In Thunderdome Cage #4, we have Graham vs Santorum vs Paul vs Pataki. In Thunderdome #5, we have Jindal alone, furtively fondling himself.


I guess Christy take up a Thunderdome all my himself?


Wait, wasn’t Cruz in favor of HB1 visas and more legal immigration, like, 3 months ago?


That was in 2015 BT (Before Trump)


Here’s some leaked footage:

Edit: That’s almost too adorable to sully by using it in this way.


TPM’s utter disdain for photo captions is bearable most of the time, but I really want to know if that is Cruz and Rubio’s loveclone standing to the right.

Gentlemen, gentlemen…can’t you both settle this over a nice couple of Cuban cigars and some fine rum?


Anything that further condemns Jeb! to the national memory hole is fine with me.


Well, he does have the nicest lips of anyone in either party, this cycle.

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There are no winners in this battle, just two YOOGE LOSERS.

I gotta say, after all this time, Ted Cruz still has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen…

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if the u.s. hadn’t been at war with communism, cuban immigration would be no different than that other latinos. i can’t stand self-righteous hypocrites and the double standard that exist.

duelling 10 percenters vying for attention. let the serious name calling commence.

i believe ted calls it being fluid.

Smug Fight !!!

More to the point, Rubio was actually born in the US, and Cruz wasn’t. Back in 2008, that was supposed to be important to the right-wing Republicans. Rubio’s parents were both Cubans, but left during the US-backed Batista dictatorship, before all the anti-Castro refugees like Cruz’s father.