Discussion: Rubio

Discussion for article #236345

Flip. Flop.


“So I think, hindsight is always 20/20, but we don’t know what the world would look like if Saddam Hussein was still there,” Rubio said. “But I doubt it would look better in terms of – it will be worst – or we are just bad for different reasons.”

Now who can argue with that?
Not only is it authentic frontier gibberish…


He’s not even pretending to have any consistent principles anymore . . .


For example: “I shoulda had a drink of water before we started rolling tape…”


Even if Sadam had say Chemical Weapons, what would be different about Iraq today?

I mean the reason the war was a disaster is not the lie of WMDs. The reason the war was a disaster is that Rubio, Bush and the GOP supported the war so long as they did not have to fight and die in the war. Heck, the GOP only supported the war so long as it did not mean higher taxes.

Other than terrorists having WMDs, Bush failed to secure anything in Iraq outside of the Oil Ministry and oil fields and that especially excludes securing suspected WMD sites, Iraq would still be a disasterous mistake.

Well it’s easy to tell who isn’t afraid of being turned out by rove and cheney anymore.
Mrs. Plame has more balls than all these gutless pukes have combined.
Nobody around to pull on there leashes. just kocks throwing money into the dog food bowl to see who will pig out the most.

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Just like the Bushies - first sell it on WMDs then fall back to the bad Saddam BAD argument when no one’s buying it.


“The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein does not run Iraq.”

Shit! Iraq isn’t even a better place.


Where’s the journalistic pushback about how Cheney, et, al forced the doctored intelligence? It was as faulty then as it is now. I’m surprised the CIA doesn’t have a bounty on Cheney’s head, seeing’s how he blatantly fucked them over, overtly, THREE times. Plame. WMDs. TORTURE! Where’s the goddamn pushback? And why are we, the consumers of this bullshit, allowing these pricks to create a false narrative around which they can claim plausible deniability? Something like, “I’m sorry stupid. What we know now, we actually did know then.” Temeritous fuckwads.


“Hindsight” for dumbazz’ Rubio obviously doesn’t even stretch back to March. The Agua’ Buddha Cubanator’ is not now nor will he ever be ready for prime time.
Rubio: “Hey Dudes! For all the really stupid things I’ve already said, there are literally thousands of really stupid things I haven’t said yet. Vote for me!”

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In other words, “Derp”!

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“So I think, hindsight is always 20/20,…”

Oh, this stuff just infuriates me. I vividly remember a livid argument the day after the invasion was declared with a female coworker where I told her “Our guys will be getting shot at by snipers for years!”. She said - “Oh, it’ll be over in a few months”

It’s not hind sight, dick weed. If my dumb ass can figure it out, I expect the best and brightest to figure it out.


Hey, a lot can change in two month.

(wry grin)

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My goodness the GOP has suddenly gone all dovey! Are we now admitting that all that waterboarding and rendition and torture and depleted uranium and innocent people killed was a gigantic mistake? Does that admittedly make it the most gigantic fuckup of the last 20 years (other than Bush’s handling of the economy)? If only we’d known more stuff we wouldn’t have done it? I think we’ve finally come to it. I bet we are REALLY SORRY then. I mean, what about those on the far left who opposed the war and were lambasted as being traitors, we are now totally sorry about them too and owe them a huge, heartfelt apology!

But let’s hear from Dick Cheney about this anyway.

What a stupid question. The President is powerful, but she won’t be able to go back in time.

Smart questions would be what did we learn from history? How much does it cost to throw some crappy little country against the wall? What else could we do with those resources? Was it worth the sacrifice and why? How do the Bush Administration’s undeniable mistakes contribute to problems in the Middle East today and how would you address these going forward?

All the Republican candidates are stuck on none of the above.

“The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein does not run Iraq.”

Pray tell, Marco!! In what ways, specifically?

I have been there 5 years total. Outside Kurdistan, you would have to look pretty far to find anyone there who thought that Iraq was a better place now because of the invasion.

Frontier gibberish, meant (if you get past outright bamboozelment) to suggest as Orwellian doublethink,

“Even though were were wrong with catastrophic consequences, if you really look at it, we were still right!”

Hindsight is always 20/20? Not if your name is Bush, Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld who have ALL said “No regrets, would do it all over again”