Discussion: Rubio

Discussion for article #234612

“I hope that is not going to happen…It’s going to cause a lot of problems in the state of Florida.”

Well, here’s a trick for avoiding all problems: Forbid the mention of the causes! Poof!! Bob’s your uncle.


I disagree with the esteemed Interim Director of the Florida GOP. I think that the Republican Party should strive to be inclusive and welcome anyone who wants to join the big clown car.


Congratulations! You win today’s internet.

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Obviously Jeb Bush doesn’t have Florida locked up, and he should not have the GOP in Florida doing his dirty work. Cubans in Florida should be outraged over this.

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Please, oh please, Mr. Rubio run. Can you imagine the debates of the crazy with Paul, Cruz and Rubio up there (while at the same time trying to get advantages over each other in the Senate)? If only they would all not defend their seat.

There is a Senate pickup opportunity for Dems in FLA even if Rubio doesn’t run for POTUS.

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I think what this guy is trying to say is that Marco should polo somewhere else. Jeb doesn’t want any competition in FL.

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Florida is absolutely crucial to Jeb, he must win, and probably must win big, to have any chance at the nomination.

My guess is that they are particularly worried that, as I suspect, Rubio is actually running for a VP slot…most probably with Walker. That sort of approach could cause the Bush campaign serious heartburn, as Rubio taking a significant share of the Cuban vote and Walker taking a significant share of the establishment vote, even though neither wins the state, creates a powerful story for wooing donors.

Yes, and the Dems seem to sense that, as they are clearing the stage for Murphy.

It does seem however that the decline in support we saw happening to Rubio last year, seems to have settled down now. And despite his statements about not running for both, I suspect he will anyway…especially once he sees the polling number from Iowa and NH.

Indeed. How appropriate.


No fair! I already gave today’s Intertube award to Austin_Dave for the Reagan back from the dead pic. My award had feathers and sported bell bottom pants.


No such thing as Climate Change or Global Warming or Rubio running… Giving strong hints he is and hiring a bunch of campaign aids says…well…he will run

He just interim hates Rubio because its his job.

In fact Rubio’s bumper sticker will be, Johnson hates Rubio but Rubio kind of likes Johnson.

People I know who personally know him think its a bad idea for him to run and should wait another cycle. Too soon and doesn’t have what it takes just yet… imho probably ever.