Discussion for article #246403
Scalia: Rubio is right. As we all know, SCOTUS can pick anyone they like.
Hahahahaha. Poor Rube.
Senator Hair-enhancement speaks the truth. OTOH, you don’t win the nomination by losing every single state you enter, either. Goodness, this is thirsty work!
Apparently not if you’re a Republican.
The only thing this dim-wit has going for him is that the national press loves him, and wants to help him defeat Trump. Other than that, zip, nada, zero …
Perhaps he’s not looking in the right place. Like the results. Trump did not win Nevada…he blew it away. It was no contest. And you don’t win nominations if you are the number 2 to a man like that.
Hey, look who’s awake! And not wearing his footie pajamas!
This picture of Rubio makes him look like he should go back to bed again.
The Good Witch of the North told Marco to click his Cuban heeled booties together three times and say: brokered convention, brokered convention, brokered convention.
He is sorta right, but you can lose the nomination by not winning any.
What a fu*king lightweight he is: A corporate shill lapdog of the Koch bros and Sheldon Adelson…and thinly veiled theocrat and fascist.
“Rubio 2016: A Distant Second or Close Third Vision for the Future!”
“And right now, what you have is a situation where Donald—the majority of the Republican electorate, the majority of Republican voters in this country do not want Donald Trump to be the nominee,” Rubio said.
He said that the anti-Trump voters are “divided up” among the remaining candidates.
Can’t the same thing be said about the anti-Rubio voters?
Let us hope, if he does somehow manage to become the nominee, he extends this peerless logic to the general election.
Using that logic, senator, 80% of the primary electorate doesn’t want you. That’s a much greater majority than Trump.
Only he’s not even sorta right because despite ten candidates dropping out Trump’s lead has only grown stronger in each state contest. He even stands a pretty good chance of sweeping Super Tuesday.
And it’s just nonsense that not winning 100% of the vote somehow means the % that doesn’t vote for you is rejecting you. Preferring one candidate over another isn’t really a rejection of other candidates. And we know from polling that voters don’t always trickle over to the most obvious candidate after their chosen candidate drops out.
The “establishment lane” was down to 28% in Nevada (Rubio 24 and Kasich 4%). If he consolidates all the establishment support, he is still way short of winning delegates. Pan tostado, as they say.
I guess math wasn’t Marco’s best subject.
Oh, please… I did not need to start my day by thinking about Trump’s “number two.”